|Chapter 22| Days and Weeks

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Sabre's point of view
I was with them for days.... Those days turned into weeks. Each day so similar and yet so different. I got to learn more about myself and hoped for my friends to find me.

The first full day I was their. We stopped for he night. We were traveling for over 24 hours. They wouldn't remove the rag from my mouth. By the end of the horse ride I we exhausted and tired. They set up tents but left me inside. They only removed the rag for a few minutes so I could eat.

It rained that night and I stuck outside with the horses. I wished the rain would go away.... And it did... after I glitched it did. It just stopped raining and the sky cleared. It reminded me of the command clear. I slept well that night.

A few days later of more traveling. I leaned a bit more about my abilities, my abilities are the exact same as commands in game. Like Clear Day. Smite. Respawn, set spawn point, fly. I haven't tested them out, but most of the ones once tried have worked.

Every-time I use my abilities though my glitching gets worse and I feel a bit weak afterward. So I try not to exhaust myself like I did saving Ivy. I would smite the guards but I have no idea where to go from here... and I'm way to saddle sore to run after I attack them.

Another day passes and I learned their names. The first man is Taylor. He has dark brown hair and was a little shorter then I was. He was the one in charge. The other man is Elijah he was much taller then I was. He kept to himself most of the time. He was the one who made sure I ate and drink.

Every time I've tried to talk to them the would threaten me with a spear or the venom. So I wouldn't say nothing. It was kind of annoying. But I eventually learned we were going to the kingdom. To meet Victor and his wrath.

Two weeks have passed and we were riding in a forest. Something felt off though... I felt weak and numb... Similar to how my hands felt... I glanced at my hands to see they were they were still black. Black from the poison. I leaned forward on accident and hit my head on Taylor's back. I quickly sat up. He looked back at me and stopped his horse.

"Are you alright?" He asked looking back at me. I looked up at him. He looked at me a bit panicked.

"Elijah! I though you used the right amount of wither dust!"

"Of course I did! Unless he was already infected with it."

"He probably was! Look at his face!" Taylor gets off the horse and gets me down to the ground. He lays me on my back and I felt like I couldn't move. No did this potion spread throughout my body without noticing....

"We don't have any milk! He said he wanted him alive!" Elijah said in a panic. I quickly though about what I can do trying to remember any commands I could use.

"Hey Sabre right. Do you have any milk on you?" Taylor asked me a bit desperate. I weakly shook my head and then remembered.... Clear all effects command. If I can manage to do that... I focus and felt myself glitch. I felt the pain course through my body. I let it escape through me.... I felt the wither slowly disappear through my body.

"Did he just cure himself?" Elijah asked looking at Taylor then at me. I sighed with relief. Taylor takes off the cloth from my mouth.

"Explain." He said firmly and clearly. I was a bit surprised and tried to think of a way to explain this to them.

"Uhh I have powers from holding the staff to long?" I lied. It's better if I lie. How am I suppose to explain to these people I barely know that whole I'm from a different world thing.

"So you knew you could do this the entire time?" Elijah asked helping me sit up. I looked down at my hands to see. They were back to normal. I could feel my hands and I could move them.

"No not really..." I stood up and they both looked at each other. The whispered to each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I looked around and realized I could run. Run off and hide, but I would get lost... I would be alone....

"We won't tie you up and cover your mouth if you answer some questions." Taylor said after he talked to Elijah.

"What type of questions?"

"Questions about what you want." I nod. This could give me some freedom to move around a bit and maybe use my abilities more often. To practice. So I agreed.

Taylor gets me on the horse and Elijah gets on his. Taylor gets on and gets the horses to a slow pace. So they could talk to me.

"So what do you mean by what I want?" I asked Taylor.

"What do you want to do with Victor?" He said sternly. Elijah looked at me.

"To end his reign over this world. You guys deserve more then this... he deserves to suffer for what he's done to my friends..." I clutched my hands in anger.

"See I told you. He can help us." Elijah said. I got confused.

"Help you with what?" I asked a nurse suspicious. Taylor stop the horse and sighed.

"We are also.... Well... we have a sister." I perked up. A sister? Is she sick? Hurt?

"Her name is Wei and ever since Victor came into power she had disappeared." Elijah said sadly.

"You want me to help you look for her?"

"No... We want you to defeat Victor. So we can get her back." Taylor looked towards the direction we were heading in.

"Okay, but why is he holding her captive? Did you guys to him? Did she do anything to him?" I asked trying to better understand this situation.

"No.... We actually don't remember much... we age memories of her but we can't remember what she was."

"What she was?"

"Yes, I'm a hunter and Taylor is a Warrior. We don't remember what she was. Anyone who was close to her doesn't remember what she was..."

"What did she look like? So I know when I defeat him."

"She looked nothing like us. She is beautiful. Long blonde hair, blue eyes. Always wore white dresses and blue flower crowns. " Taylor said a bit mournfully. They both really miss her and I can understand that. I miss my family too.

"If I find her I'll send her both to you two." I promised them. They both smiled and hit their horses moving.

"How much longer till we get to the kingdom?" I asked.

"We will be their tomorrow at sunset." Elijah said. I nod and we make our way to the kingdom.
(Words 1187) sorry if this chapter is off, it's just I had to push the story forward so I can end this story and I really had nothing to add for those two weeks they travels for. Hope you understand.

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