|Chapter 13| Unicorns

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Ryan's Point of view
"Lucas are you on?" I asked as I waited for him on the Minecraft server. I was still in the server looking for the unicorn. Lucas was setting up the VR set he just got.

"Give me a second I'm still trying to figure this out." He said from the call we are on. I waited for him patiently still checking to see if Elan was online. Thankfully he still online. In fact I don't think he has even gone offline since I've noticed he was online.

"Okay I'm ready." Lucas says and I see him come up. He was in.

"Remember if anything feels weird just take off the headset. What happened to Elan might happen to you too."

"I know, but we do live in different countries. What's the chance of that." Lucas adds and I sigh. I'm just worried that whatever happened to Elan will happen to him too.

"So what do we need to do to find Elan?" Lucas asked getting me out of my thoughts.

"We need to find a Unicorn."

"A what-"

"A witch will take us to Elan, if we get unicorn hair for them. We just need to find the unicorn."


"I have no idea, but we don't have much of a choice." I say to Lucas.

"This might be a prank you know. Someone may have hacked into Elan account of something and is just doing a cruel prank."

"Or it might be something more! What if we can find him in the game, what if we can figure out what's going on!" I snapped back at Lucas. This is our only way to get to Sabre.

"Okay. Sorry-... Their is a unicorn right in front of me." Lucas says confused.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes! It just gave me unicorn hair? What type of mods are in this game?!" Lucas said confused as I started to back to the spawn point. That's where he would be at right now. It will take me a while to get their.

Once I get their I see Lucas with a large white horse with a horn. Definitely a unicorn. Lucas looked exactly like he does in his skin, his arms all over the place just like Elan arms were when we were playing before.

"No wonder Elan keeps calling you a horse."

"Guess it came in handy."

"Definitely." Hw throws me the hair and I look at it. Definitely unicorn hair. Exactly what that crazy witch wants.

"So where is the witch?" Lucas asks and walked up to me. My character that is.

"In the forest. I can take you over." I look in the direction the wolf lead me to earlier. Lucas looks at the same direction.

"What do we do when we find Elan?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know.... We will know when we find him."

"Okay then. Well let's find the witch,"

"Yeah... let's find the witch."

Sabre's point of view
"Are you sure your up to this Sab- Elan?" Ivy asked as she was on the boat. She held onto the land to make sure the boat didn't float away from river bank before I got on.

"I'm sure, we can rest and let the water so the work for us." I get on the small wooden boat trying to keep my balance so we don't flip over. I could feel the water move out boat up and down, side to side. I'm just thankful I don't get sea sick.

"So we just let the bait float with the current?" Ivy asked still holding on as I sit down.

"Yes. I'm sure, we can also control the boat with these oars in case of anything." She sighed and nods. She slowly let go and I use on of the wooden oars to push us to the center of the river. The current of the water pushes us forward. We aren't very fast, but we are covering ground.

"Okay. This is nice." She said as she visibly relaxed. I smiled and hugged her from behind. She smiled and leans against me and I hold her.

We continued to go down the river. The air was calm and the sun was warm. If it got to hot we would just use the water to sprinkle on each other.

I felt electricity run through my body suddenly. My arms shakes and I hisses in pain. I was glitching again.

"Elan!" Ivy said worriedly and turned to look at me. It took a few seconds for it to go away.

"I'm okay Ivy... it just happens again..." I mumbled and sat up a little. Ivy gets off of me and turns herself around so she could face me.

"At least it wasn't as bad as before." Ivy tells me.

"Yeah... probably because I was relaxed."

"Probably... after we deal with Victor I'll help you make this... whatever it is go away." I smiled at her. I don't think she can fix this, but it's nice to know that she wants to try.

"Ivy. I don't think you can, but if you could help me with anything. I'll tell you." She nods a little and hugs me. I hugs back. I held her close to me.

After a while I heard Ivy snore softly. I guess she fell asleep. It was less worrying to see her asleep then unconscious.

The mountain continue to grow closer to us the farther we went down the river. I felt tired and I started to close my eyes. I shook my head a little. I need to stay awake in case of anything.

Ivy kept sleeping on my and I just felt more tired. I leaned back a little so it felt more like I was laying down. It was a lot more comfortable.

Soon I felt my eyes closed and just focused on friend who was asleep on my chest. After a few moments I fell asleep on a boat that was gently rocking us to destination.
(Words 1006)

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