|Chapter 24| Just Before

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I looked away from the lady who was being dragged away from two guards. My heart ached. The first thing I see in this town is a lady being dragged away after what most likely was being stabbed by the same guards dragging her across the dirty ground. Why did those guards kill her. I looked at Elijah and Taylor and could only hope that they wouldn't do the same to me.

We were heading to the castle so I could be turned in. At least that's what they want everyone else to think. They are going to get me close to Victor so I can kill him and bring peace back to this kingdom. I just kind of wish that my friends would come here with me.

I noticed someone who was wearing a white cloak following us, but kept their distance at the same time. They couldn't follow us farther into the kingdom when we went past the castle's gate. Some guards started to talk to Elijah and Taylor while I just waited on the horse looking at the castle in front of me. It was huge just like a regular medieval castle, but instead of it being made of stone like most where this was made equally out of wood and stone. It looked like it had six towers around the castle and one in the very middle taller than the other six. There are probably more rooms to explore in that place than there can be in an entire day.

"Come Sabre." Taylor said as he got me off the horse my hands were still tied behind my back, but this time the rope was loose and I could easily get it off if needed. The guards that they were talking to took the two horses away to the stable. They raised their weapons at me and we walked inside of the castle, having a feeling someone was watching us.

We made our way through this large maze-like castle, most of the halls looking identical to one another, probably to make it harder for a thief or assassin to get out quickly. A cool, but worrying safety measure for me. I think we were getting close to the throne room when we went to a random room in the hallway where we were currently in. I looked at them a bit confused. I thought we were going to the throne room right away.

"Okay, we need to plan a few things out, you have some weapons on you right?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah, I have a sword." I replied.

"You also have your powers, but I'm not sure if that would be enough. There are a lot of guards here and they will all come to attack us at once. We need more people." Taylor adds as he thinks of a plan.

"I had my friends before you guys captured me, but they aren't here. At least I don't think so." I sighed. I missed them... I barely got to talk to Ryan and Lucas and it hasn't been the same since I haven't seen Ivy... I miss her... maybe I even love her...

"Then we are going to need a huge distraction. To get as many guards away from Victor as possible." I try to think of what I can do. I could make a thunderstorm suddenly appear outside... that would lead some guards away, but not many. Maybe cause multiple problem in different parts of the castle leading more guards away, but we would at most have two distractions...

The door slammed open suddenly and I jumped. Elijah and Taylor got ready to fight and so did- Ivy and Fracnis?!

"Let him go!" Ivy said angrily. She was wearing a white cloak. That was her from before?! I can't believe I didn't recognize her.

"We aren't letting you ruin our plan to get the queen back!" Elijah yelled back at Ivy. I got in between them.

"Everyone relax! I'm fine, everyone is fine." I say using my arms as a sort of barrier between them. "Elijah, Taylor these are my friends. Ivy, Francis these are my new friends who want to help us defeat Victor." I explain to the two groups and they slowly relaxed. Now I wonder where everyone else was.

"So you're here to help?" Francis asked Taylor.

"Yes, our sister was the queen and we really want her back. She's alive, but Victor has her." Taylor put his weapon away. Ivy hugs me tightly and I hug her back.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, my hand is even healed from the whiter effect see?" I showed her my hand and she looked relived. "Where Is everyone else?"

"Ryan and Lucas are on their way here. They were out in the forest looking for you. The Witch is heading to Victor right now." I quickly realized we needed to hurry. If the Witch attacks Victor s could be killed. I heard footsteps coming our way and I saw Ryan and Lucas.

"Can we for once spend a day with you?!" Ryan says in a bit of frustration. I laughed nervously.

"You're telling me... but right now we have other things to worry about. We have to attack now. If we can each cause a large distraction I can get to Victor and fight him off."

"I have some TNT." Ryan said as we all looked at him in shock.

"When did you get TNT?!" Elijah said nervously. Ryan shrugged his shoulders, he was in vr just like Lucas.

"I have a lot of hay on me. I could get a lot of cows and sheep to follow me in." Lucas says taking out some wheat.

"I could sound the alarm in the farthest tower." Elijah adds.

"I could sound another alarm at the same time." Taylor agrees with Elijah's idea.

"I could help rally the people in the town. Most of them know and trust me. The guards will have to come to stop the revolt." Francis tells us. I look at Ivy.

"I can come and fight with you. We don't know if that sword has any magic he could use on you." I wasn't surprised by her answer. I knew she wouldn't leave my side anymore. Not that I wanted her to leave anyway. I think we have a plan. I'll add the thunderstorm coming out of nowhere in the sky to add more panic. If we act now this will work!

"Theri are six towers. Go to them and start causing those distractions. Ryan, do you think you have enough for two towers?"

"Most definitely. I'll go to one right now." He says waving goodbye and runs off. Lucas does as well needing to gather all the animals he needs. Franc quickly left after to ra;;y the people to be free from Victor's rule. I looked at Elijah and Tayor.

"Once you hear the explosions from Ryan, sound the alarms at the same time. Then go to the prisons to see if you can find your sister." I tell them in hope they don't get caught by the other guards. They head off to those towers. Me and Ivy got ready to fight Victor with possibly the Witch.

"Hey Ivy... before all of this goes down... I wanted to say thank you." She looked at me.

"You can't tell me that after we fight Victor?" She said a bit confused making sure her bow was ready.

"No... more than just that.. For being my friend through all of this." I told her honestly and she smiled.

"After this we can finally get you back home. To your friends in your world." She tells me standing close.

"It doesn't mean I will never come back though. I will always come and visit to say hi to you and everyone else." I took her hand and she squeezed it tightly.

"I know, but I will still miss you..."

"'I'll miss you too.. Maybe more than everyone else I've met here." She looked at me confused.

"Why me?" She looks into my eyes and I move some hair out of her face.

"Because... well.. I think I-" We heard two loud explosions in the distance. The TNT Ryan set off. Then two louf bells rangs from the tower. We heard footsteps scattering in every direction trying to find the source of the TNT and bells. We heard one guard yell out.

"The town's folk are tyrin gt break down the gate! Stop them!" Another Guard spoke.

"We can't get through! Hier is cattle and sheep everywhere!"

"Find a different entrance and break down the walls if you have too!" We could both sense the amount of panic and confusion all the guards were feeling. I started to glitch, feeling the pain of electricity run through my body from being nervous myself. I used that energy to make a thunderstorm appear outside making the glitching stop.

"You can tell me later! Let's go!" Ivy quickly left the room we were hiding in and I followed her. Still holding hands we made our way to the throne room to kill Victor and bring back the former queen.
(Words 1535) Looks like we only have about thee chapters now before this book is over, might be less might be more- idk-

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