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Why Hello there! I'm Joan! Your resident non-binary salesman! Do you want a nutcracker? I only sell the finest items in the Dessert!




Okay. I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare. Just wait until you see...THIS! *pulls out a rose gold lamp.* Ah, I see I have your attention now. The story behind this is just as magical as this lamp itself. I will tell to you if you would like.

It starts on a night like this. Full of stars. And underneath them, a dark man scheming an evil plan.

Okay. Before we begin, I don't believe that Janus is evil. I think that he tries to help in his own way and it is perceived as "Evil". I just needed a side for Jafar. As I said, JANUS IS NOT EVIL! Okay back to the story.

(Scene change brought to you by the nightclub sides. The art is not mine. I just really like the art itself.)

No one's POV

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No one's POV

A man galloped across the sandy desert on a dark grey horse. I hope I haven't upset Janus. The man thought. Or his bird. That feathery creature scares me. The horse slowed to a walk and then to a stop in front of another, smaller man on a horse with a parrot on his shoulder. What the man didn't have in height, he made up in being intimidating. The bird on his shoulder squawked.

"It'ssss about time, David." The dark man, Janus, hissed. David hopped off his horse. 

"Apologies, your snake-ness. It took a while, and a ton of bodies, but I finally found it." The man on the sand explained. David pulled out a gold item that glinted in the starlight. Janus went to grab it out of David's hands, but David pulled the item away and shook his head. "Ah, ah, ah." he smiled. "My reward?" David brought out his hand, palm up, expectedly. The parrot quickly flew to the man on the sand and pecked the hand holding the treasure, making David cry in pain and drop the golden item.

"Don't worry," Janus purred, pulling out another treasure, about the same size and shape, out of his pocket. "You'll get your reward soon enough." The parrot grabbed the first treasure from the sand and dropped it in Janus' hand. They looked like two pieces of a scarab, a type of large bug. When Janus put the two pieces together, they started to glow, giving David a good look at his boss. Janus had a dark birthmark across one side of his face, and heterochromatic eyes, one brown and one yellow. The fully completed scarab flew out of Janus' hands and away, leaving a trail of gold behind it. "QUICK! FOLLOW THAT TRAIL!" Janus demanded. David hopped on his horse and followed Janus, wondering what the hell was going on. As long as I get paid, I guess it's okay if I don't know what's going on. The henchman thought. But there was a nagging feeling in his stomach that something just wasn't right.

When the scarab got to a certain area, it separated once again, still glowing, and dug the pieces into the sand.  The sand rose and grew, forming the shape of a tiger, its mouth wide open and the pieces of the scarab as its eyes.

"After all these years," Janus mumbled, getting off his horse and staring at the tiger. David looked at the cave in disbelieve.

"Is that t-the Cave of Wonders?" The henchman asked, trembling. "I-I thought that was only a myth!" Janus turned to David.

"Remember," The dark man hissed, "You may keep the rest of the treasure, but the lamp is mine." David nodded and walked up to the cave. The cave growled, scaring the bejeebers out of David.

"Who dares disturb my slumber?" The cave growled.

"I-it is I, David." The henchman answered, "The humble thief." 

"Humble Thief, SQUAK!" The parrot on Janus' shoulder squawked. She leaned into Janus' ear. "geez, where did you dig this bozo up?" The parrot whispered. The dark man put a finger to his lips and whispered back.


"Only one may enter in here." The cave roared deeply, "One whose worth lies far within. The diamond in the rough." David looked at Janus as if he would know what the cave was talking about. But Janus just gestured to the cave. 

"Well? Go on!" The snake-like man hissed. David gulped and turned back to the cave. He closed his eyes as he took one step into the cave. When nothing happened, David let out a breath he had been holding.

Then it all crumbled. Literally. The walls shook and the floor under David disappeared. The cave crumpled into itself, trapping and killing David. As the cave crumpled, it growled out its last words. "Seek thee out, the diamond in the rough." The parrot on Janus' shoulder flew off in a rage.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I JUST DON'T BELIEVE IT!" The bird shouted as it picked up the pieces of the gold scarab. "We are never getting ahold of that stupid lamp! Ya' know what!? Just forget it." The parrot landed on the ground, losing a few of her red feathers. "Look at that! I'm so pissed off, I'm MOLTING!" Janus rolled his eyes.

"Patience, Avery. Patience." He hissed. "David was obviously less than worthy."

"OH, THAT'S A SURPRISE!!" Avery shouted sarcastically, hurting Janus's ear. "That's Incredible! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and DIE from shock!" She turned to Janus. "What are we gonna do?! We gat a big problem here, Jan, a big-" Avery was cut of by Janus holding her beak closed.

"Yes." The snake-like man mumbled. "Only one may enter. I must find this one...this...Diamond..."Janus spat out the word diamond like it was bad food. "In the rough."

-AND THERE IT IS! I hope you liked the prologue. I will try my best to continue this. I might have a problem actually updating because I have online school to think about and I'm a major procrastinator. Wish me luck!-

-Just one Bi Bean.

An Arabian Love Story (Intrulogical) (Aladdin x Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now