-Chapter 3-

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!Warning! Swearing.

It was still early, but the vendors in the marketplace were open. People were walking around, checking out different stalls, and just looking around. In one stall, there were piles upon piles of watermelons. Marie jumped in front of the person keeping the watermelon stall. Just above the watermelon stall, lay Remus and Marie.

"Ok, Marie. GO!" Remus whispered to the female monkey. Marie jumped down to the stall to distract the man in the watermelon stall.

"Try this!" The man called. "It will make your taste buds sing and dance!" As soon as the man saw Marie, he started to swipe and yell at her. Marie knocked over a mountain of melons to keep the man busy. "Why you...get back here, you cursed, filthy, ape!"

Just as the man in the stall was struggling trying to catch Marie, a pair of hands reached down behind him and snatched a watermelon. When the man turned back around he looked for the missing watermelon, but it was nowhere to be found. The man turned back to Marie, but the monkey had also disappeared.

On the top of the stall, Remus and Marie high-fived, happy with their breakfast. "Good job, Marie! And now..." Remus had started, breaking the watermelon in half. "we feast." He gave one half of the watermelon to his small partner and they started to eat.

Meanwhile, Logan, still in disguise, walked through the market, eyes widening at every new sight. It seemed like everything was vying for his attention. sorry, everyone was vying for his attention.

"Handsome man, buy a pot. No finer pot in brass and silver."

"Suger dates! Suger dates and figs! Suger dates and pistachios!"

"You must have a good-looking wife. Why not get her some jewelry to rival that of her beauty?"

If Logan's senses were overwhelmed already, a dead fish was thrown in his face. "FISH! FRESH FISH!" The stall person shouted. "WE CATCH 'EM, YOU BUY 'EM!" Logan smiled awkwardly.

"um, no thanks." As he took a step back, he bumped into a fire eater, causing the fire-eater to swallow a whole flaming match. "Oop, sorry." That was all the prince could say. Logan watched as the fire eater burped smoke and glare at the disguised prince.

On the top of the watermelon stall, Remus caught a glimpse of Logan. The thief felt his heart rate pick up and heat travel across his face. "Wow," Remus mumbled, staring at Logan. The thief felt a lovesick smile creep onto his face. Marie was slightly confused, but then looked at where Remus was staring and smirked. The monkey jumped in front of Remus' face, waving her hands wildly as if to say "HELLOOOOOOOOO! ANYONE HOME!!?"

Logan was just walking around when he saw a little boy staring hungrily at an apple stand. The prince walked up to the boy and kneeled down to his level. 

"Awww, you must be hungry." The little boy nodded and his bottom lip trembled. Logan looked at the apple cart and grabbed one. The prince handed the apple to the little boy, who smiled and ran off.

Logan smiled slightly, but it dropped suddenly when he heard a deep voice say "You better be able to pay for that." He turned back to the stall and saw the largest man the prince had ever seen. 

"Uh, no," Logan admitted nervously. "But if you will let me go back to the palace, I can get the Sultan to pay you." The prince mentally kicked himself for how stupid he sounded. The taller man scowled and grabbed Logan's wrist forcefully.

"Do you know what the punishment is for thievery?!" He demanded. The man slammed the prince's arm on the stall and grabbed a large sword from behind the stall. Logan's eyes widened in fear and he braced himself. Just then, Remus swooped in and grabbed the merchant's sword-filled hand just before it swung down on Logan's arm. 

"Thank you, kind sir!" He exclaimed, taking the sword. "You found him!" Remus walked to Logan and wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "I've been looking all over for you!"

"What are you doing?" Logan asked, confused. 

"Just play along," Remus answered, whispering.

"You know this boy?" The taller man asked Remus. His smile fell and he took his arm off Logan's shoulders. Logan felt slight anger at the removal of Remus's arm, yet the prince didn't know why.

"Sadly, yes." Remus lied, "You see, he is my brother." He leaned into the merchant's ear and whispered loud enough for Logan to hear "He's a little crazy."

"He said he knew the Sultan." The merchant growled, angrily pointing at Logan. 

"He thinks the monkey is the Sultan." Remus laughed. Logan realized quickly what his part was and he immediately bowed in front of Marie, who was reaching for a fallen apple.

"Oh, My Sultan!" Logan acted. "How may I serve you?" Marie squeaked happily and patted Logan on the head.  Remus snuck an apple from the cart and handed it to the man.

"Tragic, ain't it?" He asked the merchant. "But no harm was done! So if you will excuse me," Remus walked back to Logan, bringing the prince back to his feet. "Come on, bro let's go to the doctor now."

As they were walking away, Logan stopped in front of a camel. "Well hello, Docter!" 

"No no, not that doctor." Remus laughed, pulling the prince away from the very confused camel. Remus looked at Marie. "Come on, sultan."

Marie walked off, dropping a jewel she stole a few hours ago.

Shit! Remus thought, watching, as Marie tried to pick up the jewel and dropping the apples she stole. The merchant noticed this and called for the guards.

"F***ING RUN!" Remus shouted. The two men started to run through the crowds in the marketplace, being chased by the guards, Jerry leading. Remus pulled Logan's arm and the two ran into an alleyway, watching the guards run the other way.

-Sorry that took so long! I had some overdue math. It's finished now.-

-Just One Bi Bean

An Arabian Love Story (Intrulogical) (Aladdin x Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now