-Chapter 1-

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!Warning! Swearing, slight violence.

Remus jumped and landed on a nearby roof, nearly dropping the loaf of bread he was holding. 

"GET BACK HERE!" The solder shouted behind him. Remus turned to see a small gang of soldiers, probably about 4 guards, closing in behind him. The leader, a tall man who went by the name of Jerry, inched towards Remus. "I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!"

All of this for a loaf of f***ing bread? Remus thought, looking for a quick escape. He jumped from the roof and landed in a pile of hay. The guards looked over the roof to the ground below. 

"You two, go that way," Jerry demanded. "You, follow me. We'll find him." As the guards separated, Remus popped out from the hay. He grabbed a brown cloak from a nearby clothing line and ran towards two young men.

"'Morning Gents!" Hey chirped, taking a straw of hay out of his mustache. One of the boys looked at Remus with a smirk.

"It's a little early to get into trouble, isn't it Remus?"

Remus shook his head. "You're only in trouble if you get caught!" Just as the words left the thief's lips, A hand grabbed the collar of his brown cloak. 

"THERE YOU ARE!" Jerry growled.

"I'm in trouble." Remus squeaked. The larger guard smiled evilly. 

"Ya' know what I'm gonna do to you, street rat? I'm gonna-HEY!" Jerry's sentence was cut short by his hat being pulled over his eyes. Jerry shouted in a fit of rage, and a monkey lept from his shoulders.

"Good job, Marie!" Marie smiled and chirped, Raising her hat in thanks. Remus turned the opposite way and ran away. "Let's get the f*** out of here!"

One song and chase after...

Remus took a deep breath and slid, back against the wall, to sit down on the ground. He smiled at Marie, who was jumping around with excitement.

"Nicely done, amigo!" The thief complemented the monkey. Remus split the loaf of bread in half. "Now, we feast." Just as Remus was about to take a bite out of his half of the loaf, he spotted a little girl and a little boy, looking around for food. He looked at his bread and then back at the children. He looked at Marie, who took a bite out of her food. Remus shook his head and got up towards the children. He offered the piece of bread. "Here." the two kids looked at the mustached thief, terrified out of their wits. "Go on, I don't bite. Just take it."

The little girl took a step towards Remus and gently took the bread out of his hands, flashing him a smile. As Remus walked away, Marie looked at her own piece of bread. She walked up to the little boy and handed him the piece. The boy took the piece, smiled, and pet Marie, who shook him off and went to follow Remus.

Suddenly, Horns sounded. Horse's hooves hit the ground proudly. The guards were clearing people from the streets to make way for a man in sparkly clothing. He was known far and wide for his charm to the men and women. His name was Prince Jeremy of the Coven Empire. Though he was nice to the royalty, he was unkind to the peasants and poverty-stricken of his land. He was probably here for the hand of the prince, who had come out as gay to the kingdom just a couple of years ago.

Remus watched Prince Jeremy, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes. This was supposed to be the hand to their own prince? Wow. The thief thought sarcastically. Just then, the children from before ran into the street, right in front of Prince Jeremy's horse. The white stallion reared back, obviously spooked from the kids' sudden appearance.

"Get out my way!" The prince yelled, grabbing his whip. "You filthy brats!" Remus had seen enough. He jumped in between the whip and the children and raised his arm, so the weapon would wrap around it. Remus threw the whip to the ground.

"If I were as rich as you," The thief started, "I could afford some f***ing manners!" The rude prince smirked.

"Oh, I'll teach you some manners!" The prince pushed past Remus, knocking the thief to the ground. As the prince reached the gates of the palace (which were plot-conveniently nearby), Remus smiled.

"Hey, Marie!" He shouted. "It's not every day you see a horse with two asses!" The prince swerved his head around as if he was ready to go toe to toe with Remus. He scoffed.

"You're just a worthless street rat." Prince Jeremy jeered. "You were born a street rat, and you will die a street rat. And only your fleas will mourn you!" And with that, the rude prince turned his horse around and walked through the gates of the palace. Remus ran after Prince Jeremy but was stopped by the gates. By this point, it had gotten quite dark. 

"I'm not worthless," Remus mumbled. "And I don't have fleas." He sighed. Marie jumped onto his shoulders, hoping to cheer him up. "Come on, Marie," Remus said. "Let's go home." 

When the two of them got to their little abandoned shack in a small abandoned tower, Remus started to sing a song that he had been singing ever since he had been dropped on the streets.

"Riffraff, street rat. I don't buy that. If only they'd look closer. Would they see a poor boy? No siree. They'd find out there's so much more to me." Remus looked out onto the view of the palace. 

"I'm telling you, Marie." He whispered to the already sleeping monkey. "Someday, things are gonna change. I'm gonna have a palace, and servants and all my problems will be solved."

Oh, Remus didn't know how wrong he was.

An Arabian Love Story (Intrulogical) (Aladdin x Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now