-Chapter 4-

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The thunder rolled inside Janus' tower. Avery was just sweating buckets on her bird-sized treadmill. 

"With all huff due respect," The parrot huffed, "You're huff  snakeness, but huff couldn't we wait for huff  a real storm?"

"Save your breath, Avery," Janus growled. He put the ring on a stand, diamond pointing towards an hourglass. "Faster."

"Yes, huff sir!"

As soon as the small bird ran faster on the tiny treadmill, a bolt of lightning crashed, going through the ring and landing in the hourglass.

"Part for me, sssssands of time. Reveal to me who can go into the cave of wonders." At the bottom of the hourglass, an image of a mustached thief climbing a ladder showed. "There we go. We have our diamond in the rough."

Avery's eyes widened. "THAT'S who we're looking for!? Boy, he needs a hair cuuUUUUUUAAAAAA" The bird accidentally let go of the treadmill and went flying. Avery hit a wall and slid down, hitting the ground with a soft thud.

"I guess we'll have to have the guards extend him an invitation to the palace." Janus declared, taking the ring and pocketing it. Avery stayed on the ground, obviously dazed.

"Swell!" She coughed.

-Sorry that was so short!-
-Just one Bi Bean

An Arabian Love Story (Intrulogical) (Aladdin x Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now