-Chapter 7-

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!Warning! Swearing.

Remus struggled in his chains, trying to at least loosen them. He stopped and took a deep breath, thinking about Prince Logan.

"He was the prince." Remus thought out loud. "I must've sounded so f***ing stupid to him!" He heard a familiar squeaking and looked up at the roof and window. Marie stood there, waving down.

"Marie! Come down here and help me, damn it!" Remus called. When the monkey came down, she stopped and mocked the prince. Remus knew that she was telling him that he was being stupid. He shrugged as much as he could, being chained to the wall.

"Hey! He was in trouble. And he was worth it." Remus sighed, thinking about the Prince again.  Marie rolled her eyes and undid Remus' chains. "Don't worry. I'll never see him again anyway. There's a law, remember? He has to marry royalty." There was a click as the Chains were unlocked. "He deserves royalty, not a dumbass like me."

"You're only a dumbass if you give up, young man."

The voice of an old man seemed to come from nowhere. Marie hid behind Remus as an old man with a hunched back and bad teeth walked forward from the shadows. The only source of light was the moon from the only window, so Remus could not see the man very well.

"Who are you?" Remus asked the old man. The man just laughed. It was a dry laugh, as though the man hadn't had water in days.

"A lowly prisoner, like yourself." The man replied. He leaned closer and his words became a whisper. "But together, perhaps we could be more." Remus knew that the man meant rich. Perhaps powerful. The thief smiled.

"I'm listening."

The man backed up a bit, to give Remus some room. "There's a cave, boy. A Cave of Wonders. Filled to the brim with treasures and riches beyond your wildest dreams!" Marie popped out from behind Remus' shoulder and gave an impressed "OOOO". The old man smiled even wider. "Enough to impress your little prince, I'd wager."

Remus sighed, his shoulders slumped. "Um, I don't know how long you were down here, but there's actually a law." The thief pointed out sadly.

The man chuckled. "You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you? The one who has the gold makes the rules."

"One problem," Remus noted, watching the man walk up to the side of the prison. "It's out there. We're in here."

The Man used his cane and pushed a piece of the wall away, revealing a tunnel. He smiled and held out his hand.

"So, do we have a deal?"

-Sorry I haven't updated in so long. We didn't have internet because we moved and we started having problems with it. We're good now.-
-Just One Bi Bean

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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