-Chapter 6-

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!Warning! Mention of death, Angst.

Prince Logan stormed into the Palace, looking for the royal vizier. Meanwhile, Janus snuck out of the tunnel in the palace. He turned around to close the door but stopped when he heard Prince Logan.


He quickly turned and shut the door, trapping Avery in the door.

"AWK! Janus!" Avery whispered, trying to get the visier's attention. "I'm stuck!"

"Ah, your majesty. How may I be of service?" Janus asked, attempting to close the door again. Logan stopped directly in front of Janus, deep blue eyes filled with anger.

"The guards took a boy from the market." He thundered. The prince poked Janus in the chest. "On YOUR ORDERS!"

Janus rolled his eyes. "Your father has charged me with keeping peace in Agrabah. The boy was a criminal." Logan raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"Oh, What was his crime?" He fumed, not hearing Avery struggle.

"Janus, I can't breath!" The bird complained, losing her breath. Janus kicked Avery back in the room, closing the door and ignoring the shouts of pain from the parrot.

"Why, kidnapping the prince, of course," Janus answered Logan, who folded his arms. 

"He didn't kidnap me. I ran away."

Janus was very good at acting and lying. He faked despair and took a few steps away from the prince, keeping his back turned.

"Oh my. How frightfully upsetting. If I had known, I wouldn't have carried out his punishment." Janus explained loud enough for Logan to hear. Logan's expression changed to an angry curiosity, and he took a step towards the visier.

"What punishment?" The prince asked, his voice quieting down.

Ever the dramatic man, Janus turned around a dark look in his eyes. "Death." He stated darkly. "By beheading."

Logan's eyes widened and he fought back tears. He turned to walk back to his room, But Janus put a hand on the prince's shoulder softly, stopping Logan.

"I am exceedingly sorry, your majesty." Logan turned to look at the visier, with tear-filled angry tears. His voice was a choked whisper.

"How could you."

Logan shook off the visier's hand and ran to his room, not wanting anyone to see him in his broken state. Once the prince was out of sight, Janus opened the secret door, letting out Avery.

"So, " The bird huffed, flying and landing on Janus' shoulder. "How did it go?"

"I think he took it rather well." Janus smiled, looking towards the direction of Logan's room.

(Time Skip brought to you by Janus' Figurative Sword. Art is not mine.)

Remy was feeding Virgil when Logan burst into the room, tears falling like waterfalls

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Remy was feeding Virgil when Logan burst into the room, tears falling like waterfalls. 

"Oh no, babe! Here, are you ok? I swear if it's that suitor again-" Remy hugged Logan, who calmed down enough for him to tell what happened.

"And, worst of all, It's all my fault!" Logan sniffled. "If I hadn't run away, If I had just stayed here-"

"Shh. You couldn't have done anything differently. Knowing the visier, he would have ordered the guards to take the cutie away anyway." Remy pointed out, trying to help. Virgil sat down next to Logan, rubbing his head next to his arm. Logan laughed slightly and pet the tiger.

I never even got his name.

-So that took so long!-
-Just One Bi Bean

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