-Chapter 2-

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It was a calm day in the palace. The Sultan, Patton was just looking at his model of the city when Prince Jeremy stormed into the palace. 

"I have never been so insulted!" He shouted, walking to the doors. He turned to Patton. "Good luck marrying him off!" And with that, the prince stormed out. Patton could notice a chunk of Prince Jeremy's pants were missing.

"Oh, Logan," Patton grumbled. This was the fifth prince that had walked out. The Sultan ran outside into the royal garden, where he saw his son, Prince Logan, sitting in on the fountain in the middle of the garden, talking to a servant with a pair of sunglasses on. "Logan! Logan, I need to talk to you!" Just as Patton got nearer to Logan, a large purple and black tiger jumped in front of him. In his mouth was the missing chunk of Prince Jeremy's pants. 

"So this is why Prince Jeremy stormed out," Patton mumbled. "Darn nabbit, Virgil!" Logan nodded at the servant, who bowed and left the family alone. 

"Father, calm down." Logan insisted. "Virgil was just playing with the prince." The prince cupped his hands around the tiger's face. "Weren't you, Virgil? you were just playing with that self-absorbed, overdressed Prince Jeremy." Logan looked up to see his father's disapproving glare. Logan cleared his throat. "Sorry, father." Patton sighed. He couldn't stay mad at his son for long.

"Logan, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor who comes to call!" Patton exclaimed. Logan rolled his eyes and walked to the cages nearby. They held pure white doves that were cared for by the royal servants. "The law states that-"

"I must be married to a prince, princess, or some form of royalty by my next birthday." Logan finished Patton's sentence. "But the law is wrong, and dare I say, stupid." 

"You only have three more days, Logan." Patton pointed out. Logan opened one of the cages and took out a small dove, holding it with both hands.

"I don't want to be forced into this." He announced. "If I have to marry someone, I want to marry them because I want to. For love."

Patton sighed and took the dove out of Logan's hand gently. "Logan... it's not only the law. I won't be here forever." The Sultan put the bird back in the cage and closed the door. "I...I just want to make sure you're taken care of. Provided for."

"Please try and understand, Father, I've never done anything on my own!" Logan stated. "I've never had any real friends." Virgil's head popped up and he growled, looking at Logan like he was saying What am I, then?

"Except for you, Virgil. And for Remy" Logan smiled softly. Virgil seemed satisfied with the answer and lay down to sleep in the sun. Logan turned back to Patton. "Does it even bother you that I know nothing about life outside the castle walls?!"

"Logan." Patton breathed, trying not to lose his patience. "You're a prince. Your responsibilities are here in the palace."

"Well, maybe I don't want to be a prince anymore!" Logan exclaimed, turning away from Patton. 

The Sultan grumbled. He walked back into the palace and stopped at the model of the kingdom. "I don't know where he gets this from. His mother wasn't nearly as picky." Just as this was said, a shadow was cast over Patton. The Sultan looked up and smiled. "Ah! Janus! My most trusted advisor. I am in desperate need of your wisdom."

The snake-like man smiled. "My life is to serve you, your highness. What do I owe the pleasure of granting said wisdom?" 

Patton sighed and looked to the side. "It's Logan. He's refusing to choose a suitor. Even after I had made arrangements to only bring him a prince because of him coming out, which don't get me wrong, I'm happy he did, but even so, you'd think he'd at least pick one!" He looked back up at Janus. "I'm at my wits end here!" Avery flew up to Patton and landed on his shoulder. 

An Arabian Love Story (Intrulogical) (Aladdin x Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now