-Chapter 5-

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!Warning! Swearing, Remus thinking Remus Thoughts

The two men and the monkey walked through the market as people were starting to leave. Dusk was approaching quickly.

"We're almost there," Remus whispered, grabbing a rope and pulling down. When Remus let go of the rope, a few certain bricks came out of the wall, making a staircase of a sorts. Logan's eyes widened and he smiled. 

"Is this where you live?" He asked, not trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. Remus nodded.

"Yep, just me and Marie, all by ourselves."

The two walked up the made-up staircase and walked through a curtain. The two men were in an abandoned tower, with different stuff the two thieves had stolen in the years they've been on the streets. Remus grabbed Logan's hand and pulled him to a large window. 

"It's not much, but it's got a hell of a view." Remus bragged, opening the curtain and showing the view of the palace. Logan's smile faded away into a frown and he sat down, back turned to the palace. Remus noticed this and sat down next to him. "Are you ok?" His eyes widened. "Do you not like it?"

"No, no, it's...great," Logan answered, his tone contradicting what he said. Remus didn't seem to notice this and stood up, turning to the palace.

"I wonder what it's like to live in the palace." Remus grinned. "To have all those servants catering to your every whim." Logan rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. People telling you where to go and how to dress." The prince grumbled. Remus laughed.

"It's better than here." He complained, turning back to Logan. "You're always scraping for food and ducking guards."

"You're can't make your own choices."

"Sometimes you feel so..."

"You're just..."

"Trapped." The last word was said in unison, and the two men looked at each other with understanding.

"So," Remus cleared his throat and sat down next to Logan again. He gave him an apple, rolling it off of his arm. "where do you come from?"

"What does it matter." Logan scoffed. His eyes suddenly filled with anger. "I ran away and I'm never going back." Remus liked to see Logan angry and thought it was kinda hot, but he pushed those thoughts down and leaned a little closer to Logan.


Logan sighed, anger leaving his expression. "My father is forcing me to get married." the prince said sadly. Remus felt his heart shatter. Not only is this hot guy being forced to marry, but he's also gonna marry some girl! Probably someone who's not even gonna treat him right! Remus looked away for a second, not wanting Logan to see how upset he was.

"That's...awful." While the two weren't looking, Marie suck towards the prince and attempted to steal the apple he was holding.

"Marie!" Remus shouted, only being met with angry squeaking as the monkey ran off, apple-less. Logan stifled a laugh.

"You talk to her like you understand her." Logan pointed out. Remus smiled, an Idea popping into his head.

"I can understand her." He claimed. Logan raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh? What is she saying then." the prince asked the thief. Remus looked at Marie, who was squeaking probably profanities in monkey.

"She says...that's not fair." Remus leaned a little closer to Logan.

"Oh? And does Marie have anything else to say?" The two leaned a little closer, Remus' eyes gazing to Logan's lips then back to his eyes.

"She wishes...that there was some way she could help." 

"You can tell her that she is really sweet to think that." The prince mumbled. The two could feel each other's breath on their lips. They closed their eyes, and then-

"THERE YOU ARE!" Jerry shrieked. Logan and Remus jumped apart and looked at Jerry, who was being followed by two more guards. The two stood up.

"They're after me!" Logan and Remus yelped. Then they looked at each other with confusion. "You?!"

The guards were coming closer. Logan took a step back. "Father must have sent them!" He thought out loud. Remus grabbed Logan's shoulder and spun him around to face the thief.

"Do you trust me?" He asked quickly, holding his hand out to Logan and stepping on his window sill.



Logan quickly looked back at the guards and back to Logan.

"Yes?" Logan's answer sounded more like a question as he hed Remus' hand. The two then jumped out of the window, landing in a cart of hay. Just as Remus thought that they were safe, Two more guards came and wrestled him out of the hay. Remus was struggling, but it was no use. Another threw Marie to the wall, where she remained unconscious.

Logan quickly got out of the hay and stood up straight (gay). "Release him!" He shouted, taking off the cloak and revealing himself. "By order of the prince!" The guards stopped what they were doing and dropped to their knees. Remus looked up, eyes widening in shock.


Jerry walked forward and bowed slightly, an apologetic look on his face. "What are you doing outside of the palace, Prince Logan?"

"That is none of your concern." He fumed. "Release him." The guards holding Remus got up and slowly backed up.

"Well, I would, Prince Logan." Jerry began sheepishly. "But our orders come from Janus. You'll have to take it up with him."

Logan crossed his arms, a look of anger on his face. "Oh, believe me, I will." He hissed.

-Ok! So, what does everyone think so far? I'd love to hear what you all think!-

-Just One Bi Bean

An Arabian Love Story (Intrulogical) (Aladdin x Sanders Sides)Where stories live. Discover now