Places And Buildings (DSMP)

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Inspired by Tiktok. You see, on tiktok many cosplayers have been cosplaying places and buildings in the Dream SMP. For example: Pandora's Vault, the Community House, L'manburg (or L'manghost since it's blown up), etc.

Yes I'm making a fanfic about it- look, the cosplays look too amazing ok? It looks so cool!

There is honestly no plot in this oneshot. It's just featuring them and giving them consciousnesses.

The Community House has always been there. She is the oldest building in the whole server, but her human form looks young. She had wavy auburn hair (because of the red bricks it's made out of) and beautiful black-brown eyes. Her skin was a pale peach.

The Community House was always peaceful and welcoming, because she accepted everyone and no one ever fought in the Community House. There, everyone are friends.

"Hello!" The Community House waved ecstatically at Dream, one of her creators. Dream gave a small nod. He looks... guilty?

"I'm sorry..." Dream mumbled. The Community house was confused. She clutched her bouquet of white lilies and stared at the green man curiously.

The Community House asked, "What are you apologizing for?"

Dream had TNT on him. He took it out of his inventory. The Community House, being the kind and loving building she is, could not imagine anyone hurting another. She remained oblivious until Dream lighted the TNT.

"Dream what are you doing?!" The Community House cried. Soon, her pained and anguished cries were covered by the roaring fire. Dream sighed, he was sorry to do this, but he had to.

About a week later, Puffy had came back to fix the Community House, Dream has been defeated and locked. Soon, the Community House is back.

She still haven't changed, but you can sometimes see her sorrow and hurt from her friend's betrayal. She would never forget this event.

(I never knew you could get attached to a fictional building after giving it a sweet character persona-)

(Line Break)

L'manburg could remember all the times he has changed. He had been damaged many times. He was exploded twice.

L'manburg looks a lot like his creators. He has brown hair like Wilbur and Tubbo in Tommy's hairstyle. He has black eyes, just like Fundy. He wears the original L'manburg uniform and always bears the original L'manburg flag that Wilbur designed. His skin is tan and scarred, which is normal for his past inhabitants, considering what they had gone through.

What a great nation he once was now lay in shambles. The L'manghost could not remember when was his golden age. Maybe it was when L'manburg first gained freedom, or perhaps it's when Tubbo became president and rebuilt L'manburg. The L'manghost has become all gray, just like Ghostbur, his creator and first president.

The L'manghost is forever bound to this place. If you go to the ruins of L'manburg, chances are you will find its ghost wandering around, forgotten and left behind by his old inhabitants.

He has suffered so much. L'manghost, the place with the most history and drama, is gone forever. The only thing left of the once-great country are the memories and the ghost itself.

The country of L'manburg is no more.

(Line Break)

Church Prime has been around for a while now. She is the enemy of the Crimson Egg, for they are polar opposites, which is why things from the Chruch Prime can resist the Egg's influence and make the place less corrupt and infected. Church Prime is the purest and most holy place in all of the Dream SMP.

The Chruch Prime has snow white hair, like the quartz she's made out of, and deep ocean blue eyes, like the holy water she holds. She wears a white and purple robe that is fit for a priestess. Her peach skin is flawless like always.

In the Church Prime, no one is aloud to hurt anyone. It's a holy place, after all.

People often comes to Church Prime for protection from attacks, good luck, prayers, etc.

May the holy power of the Twitch Prime God be with you.

Or should I say.... may the odds ever be in your favor. 🙃

(Yes that last line was a Hunger Games reference)

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Everyone knows the Pandora's Vault is the inescapable prison, and its true.

He has spiky black hair for he is mostly made out of obsidian and red-orange-ish yellow eyes for the lava he contains. The Pandora's vault wears black, crimson, and gray colored punk style clothing and a grey nose ring. His skin is unnaturally pale, even in contrast to the Community House.

Pandora's Vault now holds its first prisoner.... Dream.

The huge, obsidian building has mining fatigue and various protocols to keep the prisoner locked inside.

Sometimes when the Pandora's Vault is bored, he would talk to its creator, Awesamdude.

Awesamdude is a pretty chill person, but he does take his job seriously. Dream will never escape the prison alive.

Or will he?

(Line Break)

The Badlands saw a figure running through her area.

The Badlands has red, orange, yellow, and peach colored hair, — not necessarily gradient in that order — dark brown skin, and sienna eyes.

She is a neutral land, unlike L'manburg and the Dream SMP Lands, who always warred with one another.

So there the Badlands is, watching the running figure in interest. The figure wears a green hoodie and a porcelain mask with a smiley face on it. The Badlands had never seen that human before.

She wondered who it is. The Badlands shrugged and continued terraining her domain. It's none of her business anyways.

By now you have realized I've put in the Dream escaping Pandora's Vault plot lol.

(Line Break)

The Dream SMP Lands thought he could finally have some peace after destroying L'manburg... but no.

A familiar manipulator is back in his area. Dream.

It's not that the Dream SMP Lands hates Dream, the green man is his creator, after all, but Dream is supposed to be in prison. If he's escaped, then a lot of drama will happen.... in the Dream SMP Lands.

He is so not looking forward to this. Humans can be such a nuisance sometimes.

The Dream SMP Lands has light brown skin and green hair. (Green for both Dream and the plant life there. I dunno really-) He has light blue eyes.

The Dream SMP Lands sighed and looked at the beautiful horizon. Oh well.

(Line Break)

Finally I finished this! This was so hard for some reason, but I'm done! This is one of my favorite ideas of the Dream SMP. If anyone wants to use this idea and the personas for the places I created, feel free to use it you don't have to ask me.

Please @ me if you write a fanfic about this! I will definitely read it plz I would love a fanfic like that! If I have time and inspiration I would write a fanfic about these buildings but unfortunately I don't have these things. 😔

I hope you enjoyed!

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