Lovers And Partners... Partners In CRIME (TNT Duo)

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The said man stopped in his tracks.


The ravenette turned to glare at the ex-L'manburg President. "You."

"Me," Wilbur agreed.

Quackity gave him a long, hard stare as Wilbur smirked at him. That stupid grin...

Wilbur was wearing the brown coat he wore during Pogtopia. His eyes were blood red and a grey streak poked out from underneath his beanie. To be honest, if Wilbur wasn't who he was, Quackity would have invited him to Las Nevadas. Wilbur would fit right in the casino.

"What are you doing here?" Quackity demanded, crossing his arms, "Las Nevadas will not be subjected to your unpredictability. If you are here to harm my country or cause anything, I will kill you."

Wilbur's grin only grew wider. Their eyes had never left each other's gaze, keeping the tense stand-off. Quackity wasn't afraid. This is his territory. He is in control here. If Wilbur dares to try anything at all... well, it's not gonna end well for him.

"Want a cigarette?" Wilbur offered.

Quackity raised an eyebrow. What is he getting at? Never less, he reached for one.

Before he could light it, however, Wilbur brought their cigarette ends together and lighted both of their cigarettes with a flint & steel.

"Your welcome."

Quackity recovered from his shock after a few moments. What the...

"Wilbur, fuck off," He sneered.

Wilbur is not welcomed.


Wilbur did not leave Quackity alone.

The way Quackity challenged him, the way the ravenette acted like he was the boss — because he is. It only drew Wilbur closer. Like moths to a flame.

Wilbur found Quackity — the way he acted and was — hot.

He met Wilbur's gaze with no intention of backing down. This was a man of great power and determination. He's a dominant person.

Except... Wilbur believes that he himself is more dominant.

This is basically a competition. One to see which of them will come out on top.

Quackity is clearly fed up with him, but Wilbur wasn't going to stop. Oh, no, he wasn't. This is too fun.


They'd had a few deals with TNT and lots of fights, but Wilbur wouldn't leave Quackity alone.

The head of the casino is starting to get used to Wilbur, which isn't necessarily a good thing... He did find that Wilbur is very useful around the casino, though. The man is also good at poker. They made a great team, to be honest. Quackity couldn't deny that.

Maybe Wilbur being back isn't so bad...

...But Quackity likes Ghostbur more.

This new revived Wilbur... no. Just no.


Tommy wants the TNT Duo to get a room. Like, really? Doing this right in front of him? They're like, flirting all the time.

When they fought for his support, they were like divorced parents fighting for custody over him- hm, what? Nothing. Definitely nothing.

But why.


Just why.

With a sigh, Tommy left Las Nevadas to find the other minors of the SMP.



"I bet a diamond that they'll kiss," Tubbo grinned.

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Please. They're going to date. I bet three diamonds."

Ranboo laughed. "PFFT- Okay, I bet five diamonds they'll get married."

Purpled smirked. "I bet seven diamonds that they'll do all of these things."

All heads in the room turned to him.

"Probably," Tommy admitted, "I'm like, always third-wheeling with all of my friends." He glared at Ranboo and Tubbo (read: Ranboo) who looked sheepish but not really guilty.

Purpled laughed. "Well, guess we'll both be third-wheeling together. Ponk and Sam are just..." He shook his head in exasperation. "So... about the bets?" He commented.

"Oh, it's on," Tubbo replied with a smirk.

Ranboo grinned. "Pog!"


The minors just betting 😂😂😂 Perfection.

I hope you've enjoyed this oneshot! (I haven't updated this oneshot book in so long lmao)

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