Tommy In Hermitcraft, What Will Happen?

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CW//Cussing (because this is Tommy's POV)

It has been a month since Tommy landed in Hermitcraft. He has no idea how or why he got there, but he doesn't mind. He doesn't want to go back to the SMP, where there are wars and betrayals everywhere.

The Hermits are really weird, but that's good for Tommy since he can take advantage of them better. It's not like he cares about them at all or anything... (tsundere Tommy lol)

First, the Hermits are all nice. They are just kind to everyone for absolutely no reason. They give f*cking gapples to people when they are hurt and apologizes for not having more. Like what?! Who in the world gives away free stuff that are so EXPENSIVE?! Gapples are for battles only, carefully stored away until they're needed. Even Technoblade doesn't have that many gapples.

Second, their bases and builds are so enormous. How tf are they so rich?! They have chests and chests full of stuff! They don't even need these! And they pay in diamonds. DIAMONDS! Just a small bit of the Hermit's usage of diamonds will set Tommy for life in the SMP! He could be the riches person in the SMP if he even has just a little portion of the diamonds the Hermits possess! And they have a freaking throne MADE OUT OF DIAMONDS! ALL of them have full enchanted Netherite armor and elytras!

Third, their wars are so... strange. The Mycelium Turf War included no fighting. All they did was play some mini games. The people from two sides also all talk to one another like old friends! The resistance's base was as lavish as any of their starter bases. They even had tables and chairs in the base! Unlike Pogtopia, the place was huge and beautiful with lots of room for installments and stuff. Grian, the leader of the rebellion, doesn't even seem to go crazy! If only Wilbur was like him... There were also no betrayals are destruction.

Finally, there are no "canon lives". People can respawn endlessly. No one has to worry about death! The admin actually allows people to have infinite respawns!

This place is heavenly to Tommy. Like seriously, just how is this server so peaceful and happy?! The Dream SMP cannot even compare! There are no conflicts that can't be solved, and no griefing. No one kills anyone. Its just so confusing yet good at the same time.

Fast forward to present time. Xisuma bumped into Tommy while he was planning to go mining, so he invited Tommy. The said blond wanted to refuse, but... Xisuma is the admin. You can't say no to an admin, or you get exiled and your stuff destroyed and-

Yeah. Tommy is not about to have that happen to him.

So now, he is tensely mining while Xisuma still has that cheery facade on. Tommy wished he would just get to the point already. What does X want from him? Tommy is fairly certain he didn't do anything that would get him in trouble. Maybe Xisuma just wanted free labor. He's probably just going to take everything Tommy has mined.

"So... are you going to take these?" Tommy asked. The mining session is now over, but the blue-eyed boy is as anxious as ever.

X gave him a surprised look. "What? No! What makes you think that."

Tommy had to think twice about what he just heard. Did Xisuma just allow him to keep all the stuff he has mined?! Before X could change his mind, Tommy put everything in the chests in his inventory.

"Thanks." Tommy said. He checked his pickaxe. "Dang it my pick is low on durability."

Xisuma perked up. "Oh, it is? I can show you to the grinder."

Tommy shook his head. "It's okay I'll just-" he took a step back in horror, realizing what he'd just done. I just refused an admin! Oh no no no he's going to take everything I have. You don't piss off the admin you don't piss off the admin you don't piss off the admin you don't piss off the admin-

"Tommy! Tommy can you hear me?!" X was shaking him. Slowly, Tommy looked at him. Oh no he's going to exile me or something please just don't let it be bad.

"Hey, come on let's get out of here." Xisuma's smile is warm. He has a look of concern on his face.

Why does he care? I just defied him.

"Let's take you to Grian." Xisuma suggested. "I know he's your favorite Hermit." That's true.

Why is he being so... nice?

(Line Break)

Traumatized Tommy. A n g s t .

Hope you enjoyed!

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