His Last Wish (Tommy And The Egg)

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This is not conflict between Tommy and the Egg. This is VERY angsty Tommy angst. That's it. If I feel the pain from this idea I thought of you must too.

TW//Blood, stabbing, weapon, gore, wound

"So you've decided to join the Eggpire?" The shadow demon asked, an eerie smile on his face.

"Yes." A blond boy replied. "I... want to fulfill a wish."

Bad raised an eyebrow, "A wish?" He laughed, "that's easy. The Egg can grant you anything."

Tommy smiled, "Exactly what I was looking for. I wish...."

"I wish to die."

BBH froze. He stared at the teen in front of him in shock.

"That..." He was speechless.

Tommy nodded, "Hey, you said that you can grant me anything. That's my wish. I want to end my suffering: living."


"You can easily just kill me here. Please let it be quick."

No I shouldn't. Bad thought. He's just a kid, he's too young to die. He has so much to live for.

The demon saw Tommy's dull eyes and scrawny form. The teen was too broken.

I shouldn't...

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Tommy asked. "Go on, do it." He grabbed Bad's sword and brought it to his chest. "Do it. There's nothing stopping you. You don't care about me."

I don't. Bad's thoughts agreed. The only two things that matter are Skeppy and my master, the Egg. The Eggpire and Skeppy are my top priorities. He's no one to me, I don't care. For some reason BBH felt like he was trying to convince himself.

The demon shut his eyes and shoved his sword forward.

He heard the sickening thud of a body falling to the floor. Bad finally opened his eyes and saw Tommy's lifeless, smiling body on the ground. The blond's blood was stained on his sword and beginning to pool a little around Tommy.

Bad sighed.

I'm sorry, but I'm glad for you. You're finally free, good for you.

I made the right choice, right?

Bad laughed hollowly. Who am i kidding, I shouldn't care about anything except Skeppy and the Eggpire. They're the only things that matter.

The shadow demon stalked off, bloody sword in hand, leaving the body of once a cheerful boy in the mud.

(Line Break)

The day after....

A traumatized teen who loves bees sobbed. He cried for his best friend, who is now gone forever.

A disc played by a bench as the weeping boy looked into the horizon, where the beautiful sunset is starting.

A moment a blond teen will never enjoy again.

(Line Break)

I hope you enjoyed.... and also felt my pain when I wrote this.

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