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The backstory of Evil Xisuma. (Superhero AU)

It's time for some angst people I've been giving you all way too much fluff for my evil morals. 😈

One night, a superhero team destroyed a villain's base and saved the world once again. In the base, they found two kidnapped infants there. They were Xisumavoid and Xyianvoid, who were twins. Xyian is only a few minutes younger than Xisuma.

It turns out the infants had powers, so the two were sent to where the superhero team was schooled at: Super Institution. (Stupid name, right? I agree) The people at the institution are all people with superpowers. Kids were sent there as soon as their powers manifested so that the adult heroes can help them control their powers. There, the kids will be trained into heroes and save people from villains & monsters.

Ever since Xyian and Xisuma were young, everyone all liked Xisuma more. He was brighter and funnier. Meanwhile, Xyian just kept to himself. He didn't talk much, so most of the kids didn't want to play with him. At that time, people thought he was just shy. No one really cared.

By the time the twins were six, the other kids were discriminating against him. None of the kids wanted to play with him, saying that he's boring. They called him the less cool version of Xisuma. They were just children being stupid and naive, but Xyian took it seriously. Xyian got angry. Because he didn't have much control over his Voidwalker powers, a purple aura literally exploded out from him, almost instantly killing several kids.

He was isolated for a long while before allowed back to the public section. The other children became scared of him and his powers. Xyian was supervised at all times. The Voidwalker could hear the other children whispering how he was a villain, how he was evil. They even called him Evil Xisuma, although Xisuma was against this. X often came to talk to Xyian, but Xyian didn't want to see him. He didn't want his pity.

When the children were all nine, Xisuma was already the most powerful hero of his age. He could levitate several things at once, make small, purple flames, and kinda bend reality just a little. Every child admired him and the adults praised him endlessly.

Xyian, on the other hand, did not fare so well. He didn't want to do the training, it was tiring for him. Instead, he wanted to observe things, like watching bugs crawl, observing the winds' direction, or something similar. Xyian also loved science and he would often watch videos on YouTube about the elemental table, how to make certain chemicals, etc. Because of this, the adults were disappointed with him a lot. They wanted him to be like Xisuma and they knew he could be if he tried. The adults weren't exactly mean to him, but Xyian could feel their disappointment. He kept letting them down, even though it wasn't on purpose, he just wanted science.

Xisuma was a complete angel to everyone. He had good manners — unlike some other kids — and offered to help everyone he sees is struggling. He was very social and kind, which earned him many friends and got him favored by the adults.

No one told Xyian, but he knew, even then, that X is clearly more welcomed. Xisuma is better.

Of course, even though he didn't have friends, Xisuma still stuck with him. Xyian could tell that X really cared about him, and that's all he needs. Anything he didn't want to learn during training, Xisuma taught him. When Xyian is being discriminated by the other kids and called "Evil Xisuma", X stepped in. This continued until they were both 10.

But when they were 13, Xyian stopped caring about his brother. Everyone thought X was way better, they just saw Xyian as a less good version of Xisuma. To be honest, Xyian was jealous of how perfect his brother was. X barely tried, but he still worked his way to the top. No one said this to Xyian's face, but he knew what they thought of him. They think he's a mistake, an annoyance. Xyian knew, because he's heard people say no-so-nice things about him behind his back. The Voidwalker turned bitter against everyone.

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