Admin Hub (Crossover???)

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Admin Hub is a place where all admins can go and just relax. It is exclusive to admins and only they have access to the hub because the entrance requires admin magic to be opened up. Even if it's already open, the wards in the hub won't let anyone other than admins go through. Admin Hub works like a server, except all admins are whitelisted and there are no admins of the hub, so no one runs it. If there is a bug any random admin that is there currently will fix it instead of reporting to the head admin.

Admin Hub is the inside of a huge mansion but there are no doors. Admins just create portals with their admin powers to travel in and out of Admin Hub.

Xisuma was sitting on a couch, sipping on some water when an admin tumbled through a portal. X wondered why the portal was located in the wall. He shrugged, people do weird things sometimes.

"Uh, hi, is this Admin Hub? I'm kinda new to this admin thing." The newcomer asked. Xisuma nodded as he studied the other admin. The other admin was wearing a green hoodie and a white mask with a smiley face on it. X faintly remembered this guy being one of Grian's friends.

"I'm Xisumavoid, head admin of Hermitcraft. You can call me X." The bee-lover waved. (Normally when admins meet each other they say what server they are the admin of)

The other admin's face brightened, "Wait, Hermitcraft? I've heard of that! You know Grian, right? I'm Dream, by the way, the admin of Dream SMP."

"Oh yeah I know you!" X said, "You're Dream, the speedrunner who has a world record for speedrunning."

Dream answered, "Yeah that's me."

Xisuma nodded, "I've heard of you before from Grian. You're pretty famous within the Minecraft community. It's nice to meet you!" The Minecraft community is everyone within servers, worlds, etc. Lately everyone has been talking about the Dream SMP and Dream because of his high IQ moves, his manhunts, and the roleplay storylines inside Dream's server.

The two admins talked about their servers and many random things. Then suddenly another portal opened up and two admins walked in.

"Grian, Iskall!" X smiled and waved them over.

"Heyyyy!" Grian grinned.

After the intros and stuff the admins just chilled together.

(Line Break)

The end-

Yes I have absolutely no plot whatsoever. Hope you still enjoyed though! You can take this as an apology for the super angst oneshots.

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