Uncle (Fluff, Unfortunately)

122 11 14

Requested by Bluebellbear

Tommy yawned. His eyes were too heavy to open. Why is it so warm? Then, the warm thing on top of him moved. Tommy tensed. He forced his eyes open despite his tiredness. If there is a mob or someone trying to kill him he needs to act immediately. War really gave him strong instincts.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw a dark lump lying on top of him. Tommy touched the lump and realized that it was a living- well, undead being: a toddler zombified piglin.

Micheal? What is he doing here? Tommy wondered as his mind calmed. He shouldn't be sleeping here. This is my room.

Just yesterday, Tommy came to visit Tubbo and Ranboo in SnowChester. He has a house in SnowChester that he stays in everytime he visits, which is where he is now.

"Wha-" Tommy yelled as something barreled straight into him. "What the f*ck?!"

Tubbo shushed him. "Don't swear in front of him!"

"What he said." Ranboo agreed. "Looks like Micheal likes you." The enderman hybrid grinned.

Tommy gave him a questioning look. "Huh?"

Ranboo picked up the small zombified piglin. "This is my son, Micheal."


After explaining to Tommy and the said teen calmed down, Tubbo arrived.

"Okay, why did none of you tell me about him?!" Tommy demanded. "Hey, I have the right to know! As this kid's uncle and your best friend!"

The two of them looked away awkwardly, avoiding his gaze. Then, Tommy felt something hugging his calf. Tommy looked down and there he is. The toddler was looking up at him, arms around his leg.

"I think he wants you to carry him." Tubbo commented.

Tommy picked up the cheerful child awkwardly. Micheal reached for the blond's hair, thinking it's gold.

"Uhm... hi?" Tommy said uncertainly. Then, his expression turned into a grin. "Hey, buddy, wanna learn something new?"

"Tommy..." Tubbo warned.

"I know very pog words like f*ck and b*tch and-"


Tommy grinned from the memory. At that moment, the said zombified piglin suggled closer into him. He probably came here himself. Tommy closed his eyes and went back to sleep contently.

In the morning, two platonic husbands will panic because they can't find their child. Then, they will calm down again when they see the adorable sight of their child with his uncle, lying in bed.

"Let's not disturb them." Ranboo whispered. Tubbo nodded and the two tiptoed out of the house. It's been a while since Tommy's had a good, no-nightmare sleep. Looks like nephew-uncle bonding is good for Tommy.

(Line Break)

I wanted to shower you all with angst and shatter your hearts, but unfortunately I have no angst prompts right now- all people request is fluff. 😔

Hope you enjoyed! (Because I will try my hardest to think of more angsty stories, so you will need fluff to stay sane)

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