Destiny Bell Part 1

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Chapter 45

I do not know how long Saint's face has been bad as we repeatedly rode the Vikings as if he did not enjoy it while I was very pleased.

Today is our official first date. He is now using Albus's body while I am using Hailey's body. I was the one who invited him because Saint did not know anything like this. But in the few hours we spent together here in the amusement park, I did not even see him smile once.

"That's fun!" I said that when we got off the rides we rode. But there was his expressionless face. He looked at me as if he was getting bored.

"Did I mention earlier that the Death Ministry was like a big amusement park?" I nodded in response to his question when I remembered that I had heard that from him once. But that nod of mine turned into a grin when I realized what he was referring to.

If their Death Ministry is like an amusement park, does that mean that he's bored already in the amusement park?

"Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot. " I just said before pulling his hand and making cute facial expressions. "Don't be mad, hmm? Don't be mad, my Saint. " I know he is not angry. I also know that he can't be angry about such a small thing. But sometimes it also feels good to live as if we were just normal people. And that is what I want to experience now.

"I'm not mad," he mumbled. I just sighed because of that and stopped making myself look cute.

"Yes, you are not angry. I know. " I did not notice that the tone of my voice was sad. However, I knew he would not notice it either.

I thought it would be fun for us to come here, so I brought him here. But, here it is: I was wrong.

"Are you hungry?" He asked when we started walking away from the Vikings. I just nodded at him. "I think this body is hungry too." He said. That's when I stopped and gasped for some air to calm myself. I want to beat my mind that I still hope it will be a normal date between the two of us today. I even expect to have a boyfriend today who will buy my food, laugh with me, and do other things that people usually do.

Damn it!

"All right, stay here. I'll buy something for us to eat. " I shrugged my shoulders before I turned my back on him. From there, I walked to the nearest food stall and bought a hotdog on a stick and whatever else fit for the two of us. Fortunately, I withdrew Hailey's credit card, so I had no difficulty paying.

But my forehead furrowed quickly when I saw that Saint was no longer in the place I had left him earlier.

"Where is he?" I frowned as I looked around. "Saint?" I couldn’t help but be nervous. There are still a lot of people in the amusement park, so if something bad happens here, it will be chaos. I don't want to chase souls in the middle of our first date.

However, the anxiety I felt was immediately ended when someone tapped my back. I immediately turned it around, but I did not expect to see Saint holding a piece of rose while awkwardly scratching his head. He could no longer look at me and his face was already red.

At that point, I couldn't help but laugh with excitement. I laugh because I am fascinated by his simple actions. Although what happened was not what I expected, I know he is working his way up and really making an effort.

"What is that?" I asked while chuckling. He was even more disturbed because some people were already looking at us. I never thought the day would come when I would see him ashamed of the people looking at him.

"F-For you. Take what it is, faster, "he complained. I chuckled even harder.

"What am I going to do with that?" At this point, I plan to tease him.

That's where he got stuck. For a moment, he looked back and forth at me and at the rose he was holding before he spoke innocently again. Something that made me bite my lips harder in order not to laugh.

"Gavin said, "This is what men give to their girlfriends. Am I wrong? " He asked nervously. I didn't say a word, and just stared at him. I don't know why he is so, so cute in my eyes, especially now. "I will definitely kill Gavin." He even whispered that he seemed to realize that he was wrong even though he was not. I honestly cracked up. "I will root that fucker in hell. " He said that.

"Stop planning to kill Gavin." I overstepped before approaching him and taking the flower. I smelled it for a moment before hugging him. "Thank you." This is the first time I have received a flower. And I'm glad it's him.

"I love you." I heard him whisper to me before kissing my head. That's when I smiled and looked up at him.

"Let's eat!" I uttered as I lifted the bag with food. He just smiled at me before leading me to the nearby bench. There we sat and ate.

"What is this?" He asked while looking at the hotdog. Chewing, I answered him.

"That's a hot dog. It's delicious; you should taste it. " Then I fed him hotdogs. When he chewed the food, I watched him. "Delicious right?" He did not say a word, but he nodded and smiled. "I told you, that 's delicious." From there, I brought the stick closer to him, but this time he took it and ate alone. Smiling, I looked at him first before I ate mine. When I finished the hotdog, I ate fries. I dip it in ketchup before eating it. Maybe I'm also hungry, so I eat abundantly.

I just noticed Saint's presence again when he wiped the edge of my lip and took the fries from me. I would have complained, but when he quickly opened the bottle of water on the side and gave it to me, I already knew why. At that point, I couldn't help but smile again.

"Slow down, babe, you could choke." I could only nod because he was currently giving me water to drink. He was still slightly hugging me to hold my hair, blocking my face on the other side. It was a simple gesture, but sweet. Even though things were not as expected, I was still happy because he was with me. I am still happy to think that he loves me. I love this grim reaper.

When we finished eating, we decided to wander around the small stalls inside the amusement park. There, we bought a headband. The angel headband is his, while I used the devil one. I even laughed because he was frowning while complaining about who the idiot invented that angels have such a thing in their heads.

A sorcerer lives in a secluded place and is hidden from civilization. He made various bells that had the power to teach the destiny of a creature. He sells it every time he goes to the market to get food supplies.

I M _ V E N A

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