{WilburSootxReader} Melody

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"Hello there, may I take your order?" You said as you got the order of the customer of the cafe you work at. They were the last customer. It was a tiring week so you planned on going out with your friend after to relax.


You were done cleaning, taking orders, and everything so it was time to go with your friend.


(A/n: Y/n is the italized text while your friend is the bold text)

Hey, are you ready to go?

Go? Go where?

What do you mean? We planned this days ago.

I'm sorry I forgot, I'm at my mother's house right now, can we move it some other time?



Y/n's pov:

They forgot. They knew how tiring and lonely it was for me this week and they forgot!? I'm going home. I'll just do something else...

2nd person pov:

You were walking back home. The fact that your close friend just forgot about you made you terribly down. You teared up a bit as you walked home. Until, you heard a sweet, beautiful melody.

"What is that sound?" you thought to yourself.

It made you feel better... You looked around to see a man on his balcony, playing a song with a guitar. He wore a honey coloured sweater and a scarlet coloured beanie. He had brownish wavy hair and a pair of glasses. The sound of his voice was pleasing to the ears. You couldnt control yourself. You were so tired. You fell asleep on the street to the sound of his music.


"Hello? Are you okay miss!? Do you need help?"

You felt someone shaking you to wake up. Their voice sounded familiar.

"W-what? Wait where am I???" You were so confused of what just happened. "I was just at my balcony playing music when I saw you faint and fall down on the road so I came down to help you." The man said. "What time is it?" "Its currently 2:27 am. Where do you live?"

You looked around and saw a sign of a neighborhood so far away from your house. Did you go the wrong way?

"I-I live... far away from here." You didnt know what to do. It was so late. You were still very tired and you could get kidnapped or killed.

"You can stay over my place for the night." He said. "Are you really sure? Thats too much..." "Its alright, I didnt get your name."

"My name is Y/n."

"I'm Wilbur, nice to meet you."

"Thanks, you too."

He giggled a little and let you in his place. You thanked a lot him again. He showed you the room you will stay in and you sat on the bed. You couldnt sleep. All this stress was supposed to make you tired but you couldnt sleep anymore... Before Wilbur left the room, he saw you still sitting down.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "I cant sleep anymore for some reason. I feel so tired but I cant sleep."

"I think I can help..."

He went out of the room to grab something. He came back with the guitar he used earlier. He sat on the floor beside your bed, facing you, singing you to sleep. You felt so cozy and pleased. You finally lied down and fell asleep. When he finished, he laid his head on your bed and slept there.


Wilbur's pov:

The sun rised and my eyes opened. I looked on my phone to check the time. I turned around and saw Y/n still sleeping. She looked so tired last night, maybe she had problems. I stood up and kissed her forehead. She moved a bit and smiled a little. She must be dreaming, its adorable. I was about to leave but then I felt a tug on my sweater.

"Stay please."

I sat on the bed beside her, humming a beautiful melody to let her relax more.

(659 words)

awwww cute 💕
Thank you for reading!!!

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