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JUNGKOOK HADN'T BEEN COMING to work for a few days now and in all honesty Hana was worried. He hadn't texted her- which she should be happy for because she did want to avoid him, but the deep unsettling feeling hung heavy on her shoulders.

Hana felt a string of frustration arise in her- she was meant to be his friend. She had promised that she would try to understand and be there for him and maybe this crush was overlooking the obvious fact.

That she was his friend first. She shouldn't allow her childish emotions to hide that.

And even though some people would think she was overreacting because he hadn't texted her in the last week, Hana couldn't just forget what happened the last time when he disappeared.

So she pulled on her big girl pants and reached for her phone- searching for his contact number.

Calling Jkayy♢

The heavy feeling of distress became evident as she quietly bid her heart to calm the heck down.

After a few rings, the call ended in voicemail and Hana heaved a worried sigh as she attempted again. The pores in her palms began to become sweaty no matter how hard she tried to wipe it away on her jeans. 

Attempting again, Hana breathed out a heavy sigh and decided to record her message. 

"erm hi, its Hana. I mean obviously its Hana, this is my numbe- anyways, I was ringing to ask if everything was okay. You haven't come to work for the past couple of days, and I was- I am worried. Call me when you get this. Bye."

Hana sent her message with a heavy heart and flung her phone to the opposite side of the bed. It was funny, she realized, she didn't even know where he lived. and god this was infuriating because what if something did happen, how would she know.

Hana rubbed furiously at her temples and rolled off her bed, slipping her feet inside her slippers. she reached for her phone again and rang the only other person she was actually friends with.

Within a few rings, Taehyung picked up.

'hey my dude, wassup?' Taehyung's voice came from the other end, his mouth seemingly full with food.

'oh, hey tae. I was wondering, have you heard from Jungkook?'

'oooo, Jungkook.'  she could almost hear the smirk in his voice. 

'I'm being serious.'

Taehyung chuckled, 'yeah I have. He actually rang me yesterday. He came down with the flu, but don't worry he'll be here later tonight for the anniversary party,'

The anniversary party. A celebration because the café had successfully withstood its success for 10 years- but wait. Taehyung had heard from Jungkook?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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