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HER HANDS TRIED TO REACH THE WARMTH, but when she opened her eyes, she was revealed to the empty spot beside her.

Hana sprung up, instantly regretting it when she began to feel pain in her leg. She looked around the room, but there was no sign of him.

Had Jungkook gone home?

Was it all a dream?

Before more thoughts could consume her, the bathroom door clicked open, revealing the man she was looking for. Hana had put the dots together realising he had only gone to freshen up.

He hadn't left her. Just as he promised.

'Oh, you've woken up.' He said as he took long strides towards her, 'Are you feeling any better, does it still hurt?'

'N-no.' She answered, still embarrased at the fact she had slept in his arms all night, but not regretting it one bit. For some reason, he made her feel safe.

'Well, come on then. You need to get washed up. I'm taking you out.'

'W-wait. How about work?'

Jungkook chuckled lightly as he looked at her. She had now realised how fluffy his hair looked.

'No way am I allowing you to work when your hurt.' He said with a soft tone that would instantly relax anyone.

'How am I even going to walk?' She questioned him.

'Your not going too' he said with a smile,' your going to be sitting in a wheelchair while I push you'

Before she could say anything else, he walked closer to her and knelt down, insisting her to get on his back so he can he take her to the bathroom.

Not wanting to make the situation awkward, Hana pushed herself up as she wrapped her long arms around his neck.

Jungkook held tight onto her legs as he walked towards the bathroom door. Once he was there, he opened the door and placed her carefully on the ground.

'You wash up, I'm just going to get you a wheelchair'

Hana nodded before locking the door. Once doing so, she looked at her reflection. Her hair was evidence that she had just woken up.

Her clothes the same from the night before. Her hands slowly found there way to her face as she covered it.

She had finally realised there was a beautiful person lurking the earth, and he went by the name, Jeon Jungkook.


'So where are you taking me?' She questioned him as he pushed her along the streets of Busan. It was late in the afternoon, as students began to fill the streets after a hard days work at school.

'Your really impatient, aren't you?' He said as he chuckled lightly.' Before we actually go exploring, I wanted to take you to a place that means a lot to me. I'm sure you'll love it.'

After a few minutes, Jungkook stopped pushing the chair. Hana looked up and saw where he had bought her.

She was in awe.

'Starlights orphanage.'

Hana turned her head as she watched Jungkook try to get something out of his pocket. A key. He brought both of them to the door, before unlocking it.

Once they were inside, Jungkook pushed her chair slowly to a room. He knocked lightly, waiting patiently.

Hana couldn't help but feel nervous. She fiddled with her fingers. After a few seconds the door opened revealing a women in her forties. She was dressed in a long grey skirt and a navy blue sweater.

As soon a she saw Jungkook, she smiled.

'Ah, Jungkook-ah. What are you doing here?' She said as she pulled him into a hug.

'I wanted to see the kids. If you don't mind, but I also bought my friend along.

'No that's fine.' The women said as she looked at Hana. She held her hand out.

'Hello dear. I'm Lee Song-i, the owner of this orphanage.'

Hana smiled, taking her hand.' It's nice to meet you Mrs Lee, I'm Park Hana.'

'Aww what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.' Hana looked down, flustered at the sudden compliment.

'Well come on in.' The women opened the door wider to let the pair in. Once they were in the room, Hana took the opportunity to look around.

The place looked so cosy as if it was Christmas eve and everyone was ready to tell stories with there hot chocolate and blankets.

There was posters and pictures placed all around the room. There was bean bags and all sorts of toys you could wish for.

The place looked absolutely beautiful and it nearly bought tears to Hana's eyes at how much this women has done for the poorer ones. Hana looked up at the women and smiled yet again.

'Hyung!!' A little boy came running towards Jungkook. He wrapped his small arms around his waist and snuggled himself in his warmth.

'I missed you soo much.'

Jungkook chuckled and knelt down to meet the boys eyes.

'Hyun-ah. I missed you to. Where are the others?' As if on cue, a bunch of cute kids came rushing down the stairs.

Everyone of them hugged Jungkook, whilst saying how much they missed him. Hana watched the scene as she smiled gently.

She never knew that Jungkook was such a softie. She couldn't help but feel her heart move more rapidly as the sound of his laugh filled the room.

Jungkook's eyes locked with Hana's for a split second before he turned back to the kids, the smile never leaving his face.

'Ah, I forgot to introduce you to my friend. Everyone, this is Park Hana.' He said as his fingers pointed to her figure that was still tyed to the chair.

The children looked at her, eyes showing so much eagerness, which made Hana feel sorry for them as it looked like they hardly had visitors.

'Well, go on. Go greet her properly.' Jungkook then said as he urged them to go up to her.

One by one, they introduced themselves to her. This time, it was Jungkook who watched from far. The corners of his lips rose as he saw how happy she looked.

He couldn't help but stare at her, as if she was the only one in the room. He found it funny how she was so shy with others, but when it came to kids, she was like a whole new person.

They eyes locked yet again as he felt a tug pull at his heart.

She looked beautiful when she smiled.

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