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'HAS THAT WOMEN GOT BACK TO you?' Jungkook asked as he continued to dry the dishes that she was washing.

'No, not yet. She said it'd probably take a while, seeing as though her husband is busy with work majority of the time. Plus his younger brother is getting married.' Hana replied, trying to move her hair out of her face.

Jungkook smiled and put her hair behind her ear.

'You could've just asked.' He said chuckling at her annoyed state.

'Thank you'.

Hana pulled the washing gloves off her hands, placing them on the rack to dry. She turned around as she saw Jungkook dramatically sweeping the floor.

'What are you doing?' She laughed as she watched him angelically pushing his hair back out of his eyes.

'What?,' He smiles 'I always pretend i'm cinderella when im sweeping. You know emotional an all, like my step-sisters just left me to work.'

Hana couldn't stop laughing.' Isn't cinderella a girl?' She questioned.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side. 'No, not in my world.'

'So may i ask who are your evil step-sisters?'

'You and Taehyung, Duh.' He said with an expression that read obviously.

Hana raised an eyebrow, leaning back on the edge of the counter, arms crossed.

'Pfft. I'm the kind one. Your the evil one.'

'Me?' He said yet again in a dramtic voice.

'Yes you. The person who thought it was funny to pour baby powder in my hair dryer.'

Jungkook chuckled. 'Okay you have to be honest, that was a good prank.'

The younger rolled her eyes.

'Okay cinderella, i guess its your job to put the rest of the new stock away.' She said giving him a smirk.

'Wha-. Wait no, you're meant to help me.'

Hana ignored him as she proceeded to walk out of the kitchen.


Hana threw herself on her bed, allowing the warmth of her covers to envelope her in a calm soothing way.

The scent that Jungkook carried still lingered on her bedsheets even after she had washed them, as if he was always there with her.

Wait. That sounds weird.

She just loved the scent he carried, nothing else, she also loved the way he made her feel safe. And he did have beautiful han-

'Hana, shut the hell up.' She whispered to herself, holding her cheeks.

Stupid period. Always making her think of weird things, and the cramps, well they were something else. I mean how unfair is it that women have to go through this every single month, and the men just go around flaunting how strong they are.


For the first time, Hana wanted to have a friend that was a girl. There was nothing wrong with jungkook or taehyung, but she had  girl problems that needed to be delt with.

She did used to talk with Chaewon (one of  the workers) however she moved back to daegu.

Hana huffed in pain, before curling up in a ball, placing one of her pillows against her stomach, trying her best to get rid of the pain.

She clutched her eyes shut until her mind allowed itself to be consumed with darkness.



Hana quickly placed her phone flat on the table, facing downwards.

'Yes?' She said as she looked up at the person who was calling her.


'You do know i still dont forgive you for what you did.' He said as he sat on the chair across from her, placing a plain plastic bag on the table between them.

Hana chuckled.

'Whats this?'

Jungkook looked away, a cute pout still evident on his face. ' i bought snacks.'

'Jungkook-ah.' She said looking through the bag. 'You know your the best right.'

Within one second, his ego boosted up as he took one of the chocolate bars from her.

'I know right.'

Hana gave him a light smile, before looking through the bag, deciding on what to eat first.

'You know i was thinking,' she said as she looked up at him, 'why don't we visit the orphange again'

Jungkook smiled, the corner of his eyes creasing.

'Of course, we can go this weekend, if your free of course.'

'Yeah thats a good idea.'

Then all of a sudden, Hana felt a sharp pain in her lower abodomen.

'Shit' she mumbled, standing up from th chair. These periods were really on her case.

'Hana, you alright?' Jungkook asked worridly.

'Yeah, i just need to go to the rest-room.' She said, before quickly escusing herself and leaving for the bathroom.

Jungkook sat in awkward silence. He continued munching on the bar of chocolate, before opening a snack bag.

He huffed as he leaned back on the chair, having no idea of what to do. 

'Hey jungkook, do you know what the time is?' One of his colleague asked him.

'Wait let me check' he said as he tried to find his phone, only thing was he had left it in his jacket.

So the only thing he could do was reach for Hana's phone that lay flat down on the table in front of him.

He picked up the phone, surprised to see it turned on. But thats not what really surprised him, what was on the phone had him confused.

'Er jungkook?'

'Oh yeah, its 7:36' jungkook said quickly placing the phone back down.

'Ah, thank you.' His colleague said as he disappeard behind the counter.

Jungkooks eyebrows were still furrowed, he was still confused.

Why was there a zoomed up image of Taehyung?

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