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THE HOUSE WAS EXACTLY THE SAME AS she remembered. Standing in between its nearly identical siblings along the wide pavement.

Hana didnt realise until then at how the garden was decorated with nearly every single flower her mind could register.

However, the flowers looked dull as if their once beautiful life was taken away and left to fend for themselves. As if they were tied up in millions of chains, calling for help.

Hana walked closer to the autumn-coloured door, heaving a sigh. She glanced at Jungkook and Jimin who were parked in a car just down the street.

This was it.

She couldn't just chicken out. She needed to do this. So she gathered up all her courage, and gently tapped the door a few times.

Hana wait impatienly as she fiddled with the ring on her finger, tapping her foot on the map that lay in front of the door.

Then after a few minutes, she could hear rattling noises as if someone was unlocking all the clicks and locks of the door. As the door opened, Hana looked up, catching sight of a women who looked no less then thirty years of age.

'I'm really sorry to come up all of a sudden, but i just wanted to ask if the halmoeni who lives here is in.'

The women raised an eyebrow before sighing at the clueless girl.

'That Halmoeni passed away a week or two ago. I'm not really sure. The house was on sale, so me and my husband bought it.'

She felt her heart go numb. The elderly who treated her with such care, who allowed her to stay in her home and even make her food, was gone. Just like that.

'Did you know who sold the house to you?' She then asked, trying not to show how she felt.

'Ah yeah. It was a young man. Maybe just a few years older than you. I think he was the grandson. Bless him, he was heartbroken.'

She was finally getting a lead.

'Do you maybe remember what he looked like, or where he even went?'

The women then gave her a suspicious look before answering.

'He was a handsome young boy, tall, fair skin, had like a deep colour brown hair. I remember that he was wearing an oversized black hoodie that had this wierd like design  on it. It kind of resembled a star shape. As to where he went, i have no idea. May i ask why your looking for him.

Hana gulped. 'O-oh its because i owned him something important.'

'Oh. Was he your boyfriend?!'


'You should have just said. My husband has a degree in art so he can maybe draw him for you if that can help?'

'Ah yes that would be perfect. Shall i give you my number so you can send it to me?'

The women nodded as the pair exchanged numbers.

'It might not be done for quite a while because my husbands brother is getting married so we are a bit busy. However, when he's free i'll let him know. I just wanted to tell you the boy was wearing a face mask so im not sure he can draw you his face but he'll try to'

Hana then nodded and bowed before giving a small smile to the women.

'Thank you so much. It really means alot.'

'No problem' 

Hana then took a glance at the house before hurrying down the street entering the car.

She sat in the back and looked up at the eager eyes of both Jungkook amd Jimin. She gave out a sigh before looking down.

'The women er, she no longer lives there.'

Jimin looked at her confused.

'So wait she moved?"

'No, she just recently passed away. The house was sold by the grandson to a young family.'

Hana the looked up at the pair.

'I'm sorry.' Said Jungkook.

'Don't be, she's probably in a much better place. But i did get one thing. The women who opened the door said that her husband is a very good artist and that he can draw me the grandson when he gets the time.'

'She did tell me that the man was wearing a mask but his upper features were clear.'

'Thats great, i can go through some files and try to find out who the house was originally under, maybe we can find a link.' Jimin said taking out his phone to set a reminder for himself.

'Wait, how much did the women charge you?' Jungkook ask curious.

'She didn't.'

He looked at her confused.

'I kinda, maybe made it out that he was my er boyfriend.' She said while tilting her head to the side.

Jungkook looked surprised as Jimin chuckled.

'Good one, Hana.'


'So your going to wait until she calls you?' Taehyung asked Hana as she filled him up on what happened.

No, he doesn't know all of her past but only bits including how Hana needed to find the man who saved her life.

'Yeah, it'll probably take a while. Hopefully not to long. In the meantime, Jungkooks's friend is going to find the original owner of the house.'

Taehyung nodded while eating the vanilla flavoured ice cream. Hana looked up at him, chuckling at the sight.

'Taehyung-ah. You've got ice cream all over your face.' She said smiling.

'Here.' Taehyung said as he tried to wipe the wrong area with tissue

'No, give it to me, i'll do it.' She said laughing.

Hana allowed herself to budge along the couch, closer to him. She begun to clean the ice cream off his face, not realising how little the distance was between them.

After finishing, she looked up, eyes almost immediatly locking with Taehyungs. She felt her heart pick up a fast pace.

If either of them just leaned in more, the space between the would be no more.

The pair suddenly snapped out of their daze when they heard the familier voice of Jungkook.

'Do you lot want more ice-cream?'

Hana quickly pushed Taehyung's broad body away as she averted eye contact. The deep shade in her cheeks evidence that she was flustered.

'Er, no thank you.'

'No i'm full.'

Jungkook looked at them confused, before shrugging his shoulders.

'More for me then.'

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