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HER EYES opened delicately. After a few seconds, they adjusted to an unfamiliar room.

Almost immediatly, she sat up and looked around. The room was dark and the only light that could be seen was the moon's reflection shining through the gap made by the tangled curtains.

She got out of the unfamilier bed, and placed her feet on the cold ground. Finally, she realised that her clothes were different.

She was wearing an oversized, grey top with sweatpants that fitted almost perfectly.
This time, she began to panick.

What had happened?

Had she been kidnapped?

Her long legs took her to the door as she opened it quietly. She peeked to see if anyone was present before she exited the room.

The house she was in was quite small, and looked like any other korean house. She tiptoed down the stairs trying to make no noise at all.

She was so into trying to excape, that she didn't notice the pair of slippers placed right before her. So it was a surprise when she slipped over them and landed on her butt.

She groaned as the pain shooted through her.

'Oh, You've woken up.' A croaky voice said, making her even more scared then she already was.

She looked up, and saw an elderly women with shining grey hair. She was wearing a long gown wrapped around her, with an antique cup placed in her hands.

The girls eyes soften at the sight. That means she wasn't in danger. But the questions still lingered in her mind.

Where was she and how the hell did she get herself in this house.

'Don't worry, everything is fine. Come here, we'll talk over a cup of Tea, or anything you like to drink.' The elderly women chuckled.


'How did I get here?' She questioned, hearing her own voice after a long time.

'My grandson found you. Thank goodness he did, or else I don't know what would have happened. He catched you before you slipped off the rooftop. Sadly, you had already hit your head and blacked out, so he brought you here.' The women explained, pointing at her head.

The young girl felt her head, and realised the bandage wrapped tightly around it.

'Oh, and don't worry. I changed you into these clothes, your original clothes were soaking so I gave them a wash.'

'Thank you.' She whispered back.

'You can stay the night as its getting late. Let me make you something to eat.'

'Thank you.' She said again, as if she was on repeat.'

The women smiled. 'I never got your name.'

'Oh. Its Park Hana.'

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