Chapter 25

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The very end of this chapter is VERY important for the story, just letting you know :)


And they all planned to go camping together. Miriam actually has to work that week, and during the whole month of August, to pay for all her bills and school things. Julia offered to help her, but she wants to do this on her own, and kindly declined her help.

Everyone else is at the camping spot. All the Kiszkas plus Danny and Julia. It's the same week as the previous year, the very same spot. And Jake and Julia know who is gonna arrive just in a few hours, when they will be probably sleeping. Because, after all, Baz said they are always late.

Instead, while they are all having dinner, someone approaches them. Jake is giving them his back, Julia just beside him. They only hear her voice, and see the faces of the others sitting in front of them looking up confused.

"I can see you brought the whole clan this year", Baz says making them turn around. Julia jumps on her feet, and she hugs her tight. "We are outnumbering you, this time".

Baz lets two walking backpacks fall on the ground, hugging her back. "This year it's only me with Jack and Nick, the others all abandoned us". Then she looks at Julia, eyes widening. "You got gorgeous! I mean, you were beautiful before, now you are .. woah". It may be because she lost weight, but probably that's mostly thanks to her regaining a bit more confidence. And that's actually thanks to Jake.

Julia blushes a little. "Thanks", she says shyly, "You look good as well". And Baz does, always in her very own way. Jake stands up as well, and he hugs Baz. "Good to see you, Kiszka", she says.

Then Baz places on the ground her own backpack. Julia looks around. "Where are the other two?", she asks, not seeing Jack and Nick.

Baz laughs nervous. "Jack fell while we got here. We took a shortcut that ended up being a terrible choice, and he fell on one big rock. He hurt his knee, Nick has been carrying him all the way down from there, and I have all the backpacks, which I believe are even heavier than Jack himself, to be honest".

"is he okay?", Jake asks worried. Baz nods. "He seems fine, but Nick brought him to the camp nursery to get him checked. My sister is in med school and volunteers on ambulances, we called her as soon as possible and she gave us some tips for his knee when we were still on the mountains. They will get here soon, I think".

Then Jake moves a little to the side, and she spots again all the others. "Hi there", she says waiving her hand. "I'm Baz. Well, Julia, but nobody calls me that way".

So, that's Baz. They all heard Jake and Julia talking about her, and finally they get to meet her as well. "I'm Danny, nice to finally meet you", he says introducing himself.

Baz chuckles. "The drummer, I assume", he nods. Then Sam talks. "Sammy, Jake's younger brother", she smiles. Then she looks at the girl next to him. "I'm Veronica, you can call me Ronnie. Jake's younger sister".

And Josh stands up and walks to her. "I'm Josh, very nice to meet you, darling", he says taking her hand and kissing it, smirking. Baz laughs. "So, you are the charmer twin. No one ever kissed my hand".

Josh laughs a little, and Baz looks again at them all. "Fucking good genes in your family, guys. You all look incredibly alike", she states, looking at the twins, who obviously look alike, then at the incredible resemblance between Jake and Ronnie.

"You know, Baz, you also look like your sisters, even if you don't want to acknowledge that", Nick teases from behind her. He is walking beside Jack, who is doing the same with the help of two crunches they probably got at the nursery. "How are you?", she asks getting closer to him. "Fine thanks, I have some cream for my knee and the crunches, but I'll be fine".

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