Chapter 17

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Julia goes upstairs and turns to the right, like Jake told her. Second door, just beside the bathroom, and she gets into the boys' room. Three beds, posters all over the walls, clothes everywhere, records on the three desks, on the bookshelves, on the floor, on the beds. Clearly the room of three teenage brothers. She immediately recognizes Jake's bed. There is a giant poster of Jimi Hendrix just above it. she laughs a little and puts her bags on it. the bed is done, unlike the other two, she puts her hand on the pillow, feeling it. she sits and thinks. She knows she wants it. she could resist more time, but how much? And Jake wants it too, probably more than her. But then suddenly her thoughts are interrupted by Jake himself.

He is standing in the doorframe, smirking. "thought you lost your way back", he says walking to her.

"am I on the right bed?", she asks when he sits down next to her. Jake laughs, "yeah, you are".

And suddenly it feels hot around the room. She doesn't know if it's Jake presence, his hand stroking her inner thigh, going dangerously too up, or maybe it is just hot. Jake's shirt is all unbuttoned, so maybe, but just MAYBE, it's the last one. "we should get downstairs, everyone is gonna be here in minutes".

He stands up in front of her and he kisses her head. "you should also take off your jacket. It's so damn hot in here". Julia laughs at that. And she takes it off, leaving it on Jake's bed. Doing so, she doesn't think about how big her arms would look without the jacket on. she just thinks about Jake, and about something she has been thinking since dinner. He does as to walk to the door, but she takes his wrist in her hand, making him come closer.

As Jake turns around facing her confused, Julia brings her hand again to his lower stomach. The shirt is open, and she traces the hem of his pants with her fingertips. Jake starts breathing heavily, getting closer to her and taking his hand to her hair. Julia leans in and presses her lips on Jake's skin, feeling it soft and smooth. Then she moves her lips to do the same a few inches to the right, but this time she sucks a little on his skin. She feels Jake's grip tighten on her hair. A few more inches to the right, and now she bites a little before running her tongue over the same spot and sucking again a little.

She hears Jake deep breaths and then his voice. "you are killing me, you know that?". Julia smirks looking up at him, who is already looking down at her. "sorry", she says, "but your skin looks just so perfect". She looks at the red spots she made. She takes his shirt and buttons the first two buttons of it, standing up. "let's get downstairs", she says, but this time is Jake who stops her, catching her lips with his. "I'm just waiting for the moment you'll want it", he whispers to her ear, making her shiver. They both make their way to the door, but they don't expect to see someone looking at them.

"you should have kept going on", Miriam says grinning, "it looked entertaining from here".

"I swear it was not what you think", Julia says kissing her cheek. "and you should learn not to spy other people's private moments". Miriam laughs and then she hugs jake. "happy birthday, baby boy!".

"how did you find us?", Jake asks as they walk down the stairs.

"your sister welcomed me in, and she said you were probably in your room", she replies. "by the way, where is your twin? I don't know him, but I would like to say happy birthday to him too".

"we just have to follow the noise", Jake replies, walking in the direction of someone talking loudly. And there he is, long messy hair put together by a thin headband crossing his forehead, giving Danny instructions on where to put the alcohol.

"Josh", Jake calls him, "this is Miriam, Julia's friend". Josh turns around to face them. "hi!", he says looking at the new girl, "thanks for being here".

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