Chapter 39

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Jake and Jamie are at the camping spot. The boy is a little sad because he found there some friends, whose family had the tent right next to them. But they left, and now he spends all his time with Jake, going on small hikes, staying at the lake, just walking around the little cities not far from the camping spot. Jake tells him some good moments he remembers from those times when he used to spend there his summers.

It's almost dinner time, and they are walking back to their tent to eat, when Jamie notices something. "Someone else took the spot beside our tent", he says pointing at it.

Jake turns around. There is a red old tent there, and two boys standing outside of that. It almost looks like they are trying to repair some kind of damage.

"Hold this side", one of them says. He has blond hair and a blondish beard, and he is probably around Jake's age, maybe a year older, or two.

The other boy does as he said, and lets him walk to the other side with some tape in his hand. He has red hair, even a red beard. A beautiful kind of red, some would call it strawberry blonde. And the two boys look alike, like they could be brothers.

Jake stops walking, looking at them, Jamie surprised stops beside him. And as Jake looks at the two of them repairing a tent, he thinks at how weirdly they look like someone he used to know. Or better, an older version of someone he used to know.

It's when the one with red hair talks to the other in Italian that Jake starts smiling. He smiles because life is weird and surprising. Because he would have never thought he would hear or see them again. There is only one thing that can confirm his thoughts. Or better, one person.

And just when he is thinking that, one of the two boys calls another person inside the tent. "We need other tape here", he simply says.

That is when Jake sees an arm sticking out from the tent, throwing silver tape at the two boys standing outside. He smiles even more when he notices a tattoo on the arm, the drawing of a sunflower.

The tape hits the blonde boy right in the face, and he snorts. "Damn it, Baz! Couldn't you simply get out of there and hand that to me?".

A laugh comes from the inside, then a person emerges from the tent. Short dark hair, skin a little bit darker than usual, very muscular body with tons of tattoos. Some are new, some others old. She smiles looking at her friend. "Whops", she says.

Jake is smiling, he is smiling like he hasn't done in a very long time. It's really them. After five years, he can't even believe that.

"Dad?", Jamie asks by his side. "What are you doing?". Jake smiles looking down at him. "Do you see them?", he asks motioning to the three people. Jamie nods. "I know who they are".

The kid smiles. "really?", he asks surprised. He looks again at them, but they are too focused on what they are doing to notice them too. "Do you want to go talk to them?".

Jake smirks, and he doesn't even have time to reply that Jamie is walking towards them.

Jack and Nick are still standing outside, looking at the job they did repairing their tent. Baz is sitting inside the tent, opened, and she sees a boy walking to them.

"Hi", she greets with a smile, and her friends look at him as well. "Do you need something?".

Jamie smiles, that beautiful smile he took from his mum. "My dad says he knows you", he simply says.

Baz looks at him confused, then at her friends. "Where is your dad?", Nick asks. Jamie turns around and points at Jake still standing there. "Right there".

He smiles and waves his hand as they look at him. Long, straight hair, a lot longer than how they remembered. He is wearing shorts, and an unbuttoned shirt, just like he always did. Jake sees their expression changing, they look at him surprised and smiling.

Do It Jakey! //Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now