Chapter 37

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Trying to not obsess too much over TBAGG, here is another chapter :)

MAY 2017

In Ronnie's room, Jake is sleeping in her bed. Jamie is in his crib, just beside him. Jake went to bed early. In the morning he has to leave for their very first tour, opening for the rock band The Struts. He was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep, keeping thinking about how many people he would play in front of. This is his dream coming true, the only other thing he would ask for is to have Julia with him. but he knows that deep down she is always there.

Jamie fell asleep immediately, when he and Jake went to bed right after dinner. And that's why he wakes up in the middle of the night, perfectly awake, waking up his dad in the bed beside his crib.

Jake snorts. He is by now used to sleepless nights, waking up in the early morning to feed him and everything else, but he really believed that for one night he could sleep the whole time. but Jamie decided it wasn't the right time for him to sleep. He starts crying a little, and Jake wakes up completely.

"are you okay, baby boy?", he asks leaning onto the crib and caressing his cheek. But Jamie cries even more.

"are you hungry?", jake asks taking him in his arms. Jamie cries more. It's like he can feel that his dad is gonna leave for a while. Jake walks to Ronnie's desk and takes all the things he uses to feed Jamie, then with the baby in one arm and everything else in the other, he walks downstairs to feed him.

Jamie seems to do better, feeling sleepy after his midnight snack, so Jake goes back to their, Ronnie's, room. He walks around the room with Jamie still in his arms, trying to make him fall asleep completely. But then, when he puts him back down in the crib, Jamie starts to cry again.

"hey, hey, hey", Jake says bringing him back to him. "what happened?". He caresses his cheeks as Jamie keeps crying. Then his back, trying to calm him down. "are you gonna make me spent the night sleepless right before my very first tour, uh?".

And Jamie laughs a little. Jake smiles. "ah, you like it? you like not letting dad sleep?". Jamie makes then joyful low verses. "let's see then, we have to talk about something to spend time".

Jake wanders around the room while Jamie looks at him amused. It seems like what Jake said, that he likes having him awake at night with him. he keeps walking around, lightly talking with Jamie about everything that comes into his head. Then he spots Julia's books on the bookshelf, the ones he took from her room.

"these are mum's book", he says to Jamie pointing at them. "she loved to read, but these are far too complicated for you". Jamie laughs again, bringing his little hand to Jake's face. "do you like it when I talk about mum?". And Jamie nods, as if he understood his question. Jake smiles. "I like to talk about her, too. You and I make a great couple".

Jake goes through every single book he has, reading the titles to Jamie, who looks at them with big, wide open, eyes, like they are the most beautiful treasure. "then, these are mum's books from college", Jake says pointing at the pile of books on Ronnie's desk. "I would read them to you, but I can't understand a single thing they say".

"you know, your mum was so, so clever. And you will be too". Jamie smiles at the compliment and Jake keeps going. "you look so much like her, you know that? you have the same nose", he says tracing it with his point finger and making Jamie laugh, "the same smile", he traces his little lips, "and the same cheeks".

"the same hair color, even though it is the same as mine as well, so I can't tell if you took that from her or from me". jake brings his fingers to mess Jamie's short hair, and the baby reaches out with his little hand to take a handful of Jake's long hair. He laughs. "hey, Jamie. You'll hurt me if you pull my hair like this". And he takes the little hand away from his hair.

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