Chapter 27

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Yooooo! If Jake plays the violin in Heat Above I can say that I called it! Chapter 26 talked about Jake playing the violin, and here is the picture hahaha (the chapter was published before). I kind of freaked out seeing that. Anyway, here is the chapter :)

JUNE 2016

Dave and Luce's wedding. Even if Greta Van Fleet doesn't usually play at weddings, they decided to make an exception. Each one of the Greta boys is at the wedding, Ronnie and Josie tagged along. Even Miriam. They get on the stage, getting ready to play.

Then Josh screams his greetings into the mic, Danny joins with some drumbeats, followed by Sam with his bass. But it's when Jake starts to play his guitar and Josh wails the intro of The Cold Wind, that everyone looks at them.

Miriam is standing with Josie and Ronnie behind four blonde girls, probably the Norwegian cousins Julia talked about, daughters of Susan's younger brother, who moved to Norway right after college. She hears them talking over the music.

"I can see the singer's cock", the tallest one says to the other three. That's true, Josh's leather pants don't leave much to the imagination. Ronnie has to bring her hands to her mouth not to laugh at them.

"Stop looking at it, Noora", another one climbs in laughing.

"I really can't, come on, look at him he is hot". Noora moves a little closer to her sister on her left to get a better view. And Ronnie again laughs. "it's gonna be fun, staying right here", she whispers to Josie and Miriam beside her.

"I like the drummer", the one on Noora's left says, earning a forceful nod from another sister. "I agree with Eva. He is a beast". And it's Josie's time to laugh.

"can we talk about the one on the keys?". Another sister talks, referring to Sam who moved from bass to keys to play a song requested by Luce. "and he looks about my age".

"you really have a thing for barefooted people, don't you Chrissy?", Noora jokes, making all her sisters laugh. "what about you, Sara?", she asks to the one who agreed with Eva.

"I like the guitar player", she says motioning to Jake getting in the front to play the beginning of Safari Song. "I mean, have you seen him with his guitar? God, I bet he is good in bed".

"You can ask Julia, I think", Chrissy smirks. Noora turns around. "Julia as our cousin Julia? Why would she know that?"

"I saw them kissing right before they got on stage", Chrissy explains. Noora's eyes widened. "no way! lucky girl!"

"And lucky guy!", Sara adds. "Julia is great and amazing".

"Aunt Susan still hates her", Eva says. "and I don't really know why, I think she looks beautiful, tonight". Her sisters nod. "she has always been terrible", Noora adds referring to her aunt. "dad never talks about her if not to say how she was mean when they were younger. No wonder he moved to Norway".

They go back to listen to the music, until, during Safari's last chorus, Josh points right behind them while singing. They all turn around to face the other three girls. "are you his girlfriend?", Sara asks Miriam.

She laughs out loud. "Just a friend". Sara then moves her eyes to Josie, who shakes her head politely, and then to Ronnie. "god, no, he is my brother".

Eva laughs. "well, your brother is hot". Ronnie joins her laughing. "the other two as well", she says pointing at Sam and Jake. The Norwegian girls follow her finger with amused expressions. "and the drummer?", Chrissy asks. Josie holds out her hand. "my brother, this time".

The girls start talking all together, talking about living between Norway and America and coming back for the wedding. "I think it's time for the speeches", Miriam says seeing Julia getting closer to the stage with a paper in her hands. The boys stop playing and she gets on it. Jake is taking off his guitar, and she comes to him from behind. Not caring at all that everyone is looking at them, she cups Jake's butt with her hands, giving it a little squeeze.

Do It Jakey! //Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now