Chapter 6

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Here we gooo! Enjoy!

Julia looks away blushing. After a while she says, "I would like to hear you play, one day".

Jake smiles. "you can come to one of our shows, if you want". Silence falls between them, as they walk back to Julia's apartment. They don't talk on the way there, but it's not uncomfortable. Once they get there, Jake says it's probably time for him to go.

"where did you park your car?", Julia asks looking around.

"actually, I took the bus on the way here today. my sister needed the car".

"I'm sorry, but I can't take you home. as you know, I don't have a car anymore".

"don't worry, I'm gonna call someone and ask to pick me up here". She nods leaning onto the wall of her building. Jake walks a little down the sidewalk in front of her while talking to someone on the phone. When he is done, he takes place right in front of her. There is only less than one foot apart from their faces, the tension is palpable. Jake looks firmly into her eyes, but she can't reciprocate. She looks down at her feet, but then she feels Jake's cold hand on her chin, lifting her head up to make her look at him.

"are you okay?", he asks tenderly, his hand still on her face. She feels her skin burning right where he is touching it. how can she be feeling things for him? it's probably only the situation, her boyfriend cheating on her and everything else. But Jake is kind, funny, he makes her comfortable. But she can't.

Julia nods, but looks away. Jake breaths deeply. He takes his hand away from her chin. She is looking away, he thinks. She doesn't feel the same. But how is he feeling? Is he really having feelings for her? They stand there in silence for a few minutes. Then Julia breaks it.

"who's Josh?", she asks. She heard Jake talking to him on the phone. She thinks he is the one who is gonna pick Jake up.

"my brother", Jake replies looking at her. Julia looks back at him. "younger or older?". She isn't sure if a younger brother could be able to drive and have a driving license since Jake is only seventeen. "my guess is that he is older", she says before he could even answer.

"why do you think so?", Jake asks smirking.

"you are only seventeen and he is coming with a car. unless you two are really close in age, I would say he is older".

Jake giggles. "first thing, I'm almost eighteen", he says making her smile. "second", he continues, "Josh is my twin. We are the oldest".

Julia looks at him surprised. And she doesn't know why she is feeling like that. It's not that strange to meet a twin. "wow, I can't believe it".

Jake laughs. "what?"

Julia feels again a strange kind of force inside of her. How is that called? Confidence? She saw the way he was looking at her, the way he is still looking at her. She knows it's not completely right of her to do it, but she does it anyway.

"there is two of you then", she says smirking.

"kind of", Jake replies. "we are identical, but we have different hair".

Julia steps away from the wall, getting closer to Jake. She brings her hand to the side of his face, gently tracing his jaw. "bet he is as beautiful as you".

Jake looks at her. He has never been as surprised in his life as he is in this moment. He thought she wasn't going in that direction, but there she is. He keeps staring at her, his mouth slightly ajar, incapable of saying anything.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Julia regrets it. she shouldn't have said it, she shouldn't have touched him like that. she blushes, looking away and taking off her hand from his jaw. But then she feels Jake's hand on her wrist, pulling her closer. She looks again at him, and their eyes meet. Julia is sure she is gonna regret this for now on, but she lets him pull her closer. She sees Jake smirking at her, and they are now only inches apart. Julia brings her hand back to his jaw and feels Jake's other hand on her waist. He pulls her even closer, and their bodies meet. Jake leans in and eventually it's Julia the one who kisses him. He feels her lips on his. It's sweet and gentle, just like her. She pulls back, but Jake keeps her in her place and leans in another time, kissing her again. This time, the kiss is less gentle. She spreads her lips apart and he deepens the kiss.

Jake brings his other hand to her waist as well, squeezing her soft skin and making her giggle through the kiss. He pulls her even closer, a sudden need to feel her body against his takes possession of him. she must feel the same way, Jake thinks, because she wraps her arms around Jake's neck, gluing their bodies together. To Jake, this feels right. He likes her, thinks she is beautiful. He wants to feel her body, her lips. He wants to kiss her, touch her. One of his hands wanders up and down her back, until it stops on her butt. She gasps surprised, but they keep kissing.

Julia doesn't know how this is happening, but she knows this is not supposed to be what they should do. On one hand, it feels right. She likes Jake, even though she feels like she shouldn't. picking up all her courage and willpower, she breaks the kiss and steps back against the wall.

Jake looks at her. He is smiling, how couldn't he be doing so? He wanted the kiss to go on, but respects her decision to make it stop. He is breathing heavily, and she is too. Julia is looking back at him. She is not smiling, but her eyes are different, Jake thinks. There is a little shining light in them.

"this shouldn't have happened", Julia says after a while. "I'm older, you are not even eighteen. I'm really sorry". Her heart is pounding inside her chest, it feels like it's gonna explode any moment.

"don't be sorry. It was amazing". Jake smiles at her. He brings his hand to her hair, gently caressing it. It's all messy, something unusual for her. He cups her jaw and she leans into his touch closing her eyes. She can't fight this. There is something much stronger that brings her to Jake. Julia brings her hands to Jake's jacket and fists it, bringing him closer to her, but she doesn't kiss him. Instead, she buries her face in the crook of his neck, leaning against him. He holds her tight, surrounding her body with his arms.

They stay like that for a while, not moving at all. To Jake, it feels kind of strange. He knows he is giving her support, both physically and emotionally speaking. But it's like she is bringing it to him as well. He feels safe so close to her. He feels comfortable. Julia is warm, and Jake finds himself thinking he likes that there is so much of her he can hug and touch. It brings him back at the times his mum used to hug him when he was a child. Her warm hands and comfortable body were just the same as Julia's. And Jake likes it, a lot. He would have never said that before, but he feels protected.

Jake's phone rings inside his pocket, and they break the hug. Julia looks away again, blushing as hard as ever. "it's Josh", he says reading the text. "he'll be here in one minute". He puts back his phone and looks again at her. Jake fixes her hair on her shoulders and her bangs, and finally she looks back at him. A shy smile is placing on her lips.

"I don't know what took over me. I .. I don't think it was right". Jake looks at her. He understands her fears and second thoughts. "but it was amazing. It was for me and I know it was for you too", he says.

They hear a car stopping right in front of them. They look at it while the driver lowers the car window. Then Julia sees a curly boy with long messy hair smiling at them. He is clearly Jake's twin, she thinks. Identical, except the hair.

"Jakey! Time to go home!", Josh yells. That kid has a powerful voice, and Julia laughs.

"one second!", Jake yells back. Then he turns around to face Julia again. He kisses her cheek making her blush again. "see you on Tuesday, then". She simply nods.

Jake turns around and walks towards the car. But she wraps her hand around his wrist making him look back at her again. "thank you", Julia whispers. Jake smiles. "anytime".

Julia walks into the building and Jake gets into the car. Josh smirks at him and starts the car. jake keeps looking outside the window most of the time, smiling a little.

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