Chapter 31

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Hi! I've been meaning to publish this a lot earlier, but life got back at me stronger than ever, so I'm doing it only now :) As always, I wish you a fun time reading this

As he sees Julia, Jake can't help but smile. She smiles back, that beautiful smile he loves. "hey, pretty boy", she says in a low voice.

Jake walks to the bed, sitting down on a chair next to it. "you scared the hell out of me, you have no idea".

Julia laughs, then starts coughing. Jake worries a little, but she turns back at him smiling. "sorry". He brings a hand to caress her cheek, and she leans into his touch. "how are you feeling?".

"better, thanks. Weak, a little pain, a strong headache, but I'm fine. Mostly, I'm scared". And Jake is too, so, so much. He wants to ask her everything, but he doesn't want to rush her. He leans closer and kisses her forehead. Julia tries to sit up, and he helps her. Once she is settled, Julia speaks.

"I didn't know either", she says slowly, closing her eyes. Julia replies. "You know I never really worry about missing my period and things like that, I have crazy hormones".

"And I feel so stupid", she continues, "because I had it all. all the symptoms, but it never occurred to me to think about that and check, because with camping and our things, we hadn't really done anything for a long time. but everything was there. I felt sick, with Baz. I was getting bigger as well. I had mood swings, like when I got angry at everyone. but I didn't put everything together, and I feel so damn stupid".

"And actually something strange happened, right before camping", Julia says. "I remembered while talking with that doctor before you got in. I had a strange period at the end of July, after missing June. I lost some blood, and he said it was probably because of one of the infections I have, it is called.. like urinary tract infection, I think. And, as I said, since camping we've never been together that way, so I never got back and checked when I missed August, I just thought it was me and my body. So damn stupid".

"Don't feel stupid", Jake simply says he takes her hand and squeezes it. That gesture says everything he can't express through words. She doesn't have to be sorry, he is glad she is feeling okay. he wants her to be fine, everything to be over. Then, finally, he speaks.

"is there really a baby inside of you?".

Julia smiles looking down at her stomach, running her spare hand over it. "it looks like that", she says.

Jake tries to talk again. "when do you think.. we did... I mean, when did it all happen?".

Julia smiles. "Dave's wedding, I think. It was three months ago, and we hadn't been that much careful, that night".

That was the night in which they faked married each other. And them having sex right after was one of the funniest and most beautiful experiences they've ever had together. They couldn't stop laughing all the time, and they were just so, so happy. Jake looks down at his lap, feeling a little guilty. Julia brings her hands to his. "don't worry. You don't have to feel sorry. I think it's a beautiful thing. We didn't expect it, but it still is beautiful. I have a job, you have yours. We are already planning on moving in together. This could really be it".

Jake looks again at her. She talks. "Help me stand up", she says, and he pulls her up. She is wearing one of her old shirts and sweatpants, Miriam brought them there.

Julia brings her hands to make the shirt tighten around her stomach. "Do you think it's visible?", she asks looking down. "that you can see that it's not all.. well not all fat".

Jake looks at her and at her body. And actually, he can see it. there is a bump on her stomach, something that definitely is not caused by her weight. He smiles. "it shows here", he says, bringing a hand there, on her stomach.

Do It Jakey! //Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now