Chapter 26

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Hi! This is a little bit loong, hope you don't mind :) I was planning on updating one of these days, but I'm doing it today in honor of the release of Heat Above yesterday! I LOVE the song!


Julia has been dating Jake for almost two years, now. And she never told anything about him to her parents. They don't see each other that often, and she doesn't really know how they would react meeting Jake. Or just knowing about him. Four years younger, long hair, working at a bar, but hoping to make music his life. No, they wouldn't be completely fine with it.

But one day, she forgets about that all and mentions Jake during a phone call with her father. Just something like 'I have to go, Jake is gonna be here any minute'. And everything started. Her father told her mother, they sometimes still talk, or better, they sometimes still yell at each other.

The Silverman family gets together before Christmas, after Thanksgiving, and for the birthdays. This year they settle everything for the end of November. Christmas is right there around the corner, Thanksgiving as well, Julia's birthday the month before, Dave's in a few days. Susan and Robert, their parents, don't celebrate their birthdays.

Dave has just found a new house with his fiancé Luce, and everyone is gonna go there to celebrate that too. Obviously, they asked Julia to bring Jake. Her dad thought it was inacceptable that his daughter kept him a secret for so long. Susan doesn't care that much, even if she liked Andrew when he dated her daughter.

Julia has talked to Jake many times, saying he doesn't have to go. But he wants to. He likes Dave and would like to meet his girlfriend. And yes, he wants to meet Julia's parents. Even if they are not the most amazing people ever.

They get to Dave and Luce's house earlier. Luce is amazing, so heartwarming and funny. She is of Jamaican origins, and sometimes she cooked something from her own country for the whole Silverman family. She is a great cook, and that is why she is very well accepted by Robert Silverman. He is not a bad man, sometimes a little too harsh and violent with words. A cheater, yes, but he still knows how to laugh. Susan doesn't. She never laughs or smile. Never.

Jake likes everyone here. By now, Dave is like a big brother to him, and Luce keeps asking about his music. He is not nervous about meeting Julia's parents. She has told him so many things about them and now he doesn't really have much to imagine. But when the doorbell rings, he starts to get a little shy. He walks to the front door, where Dave is opening it and Julia is just standing there.

She looks so nervous, keeping moving her hands. Jake walks to her. "everything is gonna be alright, don't worry", he says kissing her head.

"If you want, we can leave early", she whispers while the door opens. Jake doesn't have the time to reply, that a very tall man and a very tiny and thin woman get inside the house.

They hug Dave and Julia, or better, Robert does. Susan just lets them hug her, simply saying hi. Then they both turn to face Jake. "hi", he says smiling, "I'm Jake, short for Jacob". He holds out his hand and Robert takes it. after him, Susan does too. Julia told him they would ask for his full name. they still call Luce 'Lucille'. Not even her boss calls her with her full name. but they do, even after knowing her for six years.

Susan replies with a cold "nice to meet you", while Robert looks at him focused. "you look young", he then says. "how old are you?"

There is no point in lying, so Jake replies "nineteen, sir". And before Robert could say anything at all, Dave jumps in. "and he is very mature for his age", he says inviting them all to move to the living room. "dinner is ready, shall we?".

Susan takes her time to look at Julia. She really has lost weight. And a lot too. That wasn't a lie, then, when she said she was on a diet, last time they talked. "nice to see you finally decided to be a normal person, Julia".

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