Chapter 12: Not So Fast

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"Wishing well, well, well what do we have here?" Faybelle says to herself as she gazes into her mother's crystal ball.

There Hopper Croakington was running as fast as he could towards Beauty Castle. "What seems to be the problem?"

The young fairy jumps backwards and whirls around ready to attack. Fortunately, it was just her mother, Desiree. "Hi mother. I-I-I s-saw Hopper Croakington running t-t-to Br-r-riar's home," she stuttered, and as soon as the words escaped Faybelle's mouth she regretted and did an internal faceplam in her mind.

The Dark Fairy smirks, "Stuttering is for weaklings. Are you a weakling, Faybelle?"

Faybelle shakes her head, "No, I am not. I am a Thorn."

She smiles, "That's more like it. Now about this froggy problem, you simply have to turn the story back to our favor. Cast a hex, an evil hex. Mother is counting on you, don't forget that"

"I never will. Don't you worry, mother, I'll fix this," Faybelle says, reassuringly.

Desiree slowly walks away, black heels clicking on the floor. Outside, Faybelle seems tough, confident and fearless. On the inside, however, the teenage girl was trembling, scared and worried. As soon as her mother was out of sight she locks bedroom door and makes a mad hatter dash to the large oak wood bookshelf. Faybelle quickly grabs an old-looking, thick, navy blue book and flipped through the old, dusty, yellow pages. The ink was so old that some of it faded away and it was hard to make out what the pages said. The girl stopped abruptly stopped at a page saying:

Turning Back the Clock

To slow down time is a large hex to cast. Any wrong move could destroy time and space as we know it. A smaller move would be deadly. Much power must be possessed and amatuers SHOULD NOT try this!!!!!!

Now if  you are strong enough then please continue reading. First off there will be no ingredients necessary for this spell. All you need is your wits and strength. Start off chanting: 

Time oh time leave our home; 

With my smarts and power I conjure a time slowing dome; 

Nothing holds me down, for I am the master of time;

Everything and the universe is now mine;

Faybelle read the spell several times. Was she strong enough? Could she do it? No, she had to do it. To prove herself, to fulfill destiny, she had to do this whether she could or not. Faybelle grabs the thick book and heads to the gardens. She snaps and silver pom poms appear, her hexes had always been stronger when she was cheering. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Faybelle's head whirls around for a second time, again it was her mother. "Turning the to our side," she answers, trying to keep her cool.

Desiree's cold lips curl into a smirk, "I'll be watching. Remember Faybelle, you weren't born into royalty. To obtain the fairy throne, you must fight for it. When me and your father is gone, you'll be challenged for the throne. Power is what got me and your father here and one day it'll get you the where I am today."

Faybelle just nos at her mother's brief lecture. Desiree didn't need to explain twice. Faybelle had heard this lecture countless times when she grew up. This must have been the 1,057th time she heard the lecture. Desiree steps back and makes a gesture at her daughter, signaling for her to begin the spell. "Time oh time leave our home, with my smarts and power I conjure a time slowing dome, nothing holds me down, for I am the master of time, everything and the universe is now mine!" she cheers.

Faybelle ends her cheer with flipping her platinum blond hair in the air then doing a double backflip. Suddenly, everything seems to slow for a moment. Time stops then slows, an icy blue blast blows up in front of Faybelle and she falls back hard! Faybelle is greeted with her mother's squeals of excitement. "Oh Faybelle! You did it! Now you'll definitely be the future fairy ruler! Oh Faybelle, I am so proud!" Desiree squeals/screams.

Faybelle grins, "I'm glad you're proud. I love you, mother."

"I love you too, my dear."

Back in the forest, Hopper Croakinton pants. He had been running for hours, but he was still in Hood Hollow. "Come on, Hopper. You can do it," he wheezzes, "Hood Hollow, Dark Forest, Enchanted Forest, Mirror River, Swan Lake, then Beauty Castle. Wait no, I need to go through the small French town of Conques then Rosabella's castle, then finally Briar's castle. I guess I need to run faster."

"Hello?" a voice mumbles.

Hopper turns around, "Huh? Who's there?"

Three young teens appear from the shadows of the trees. "We're here to help," the one in the green dress and jade necklace says.

The one wearing pale red with a ruby pendant explains, "Cupid told us you were awake and you're going to awake Briar."

"This will help," the teenager dressed sky blue with silver and blue earrings answers, holding up a shiny silver sword and shield.

"Faybelle will hit you with everything she got. This shield can help deflect her blasts. The sword can strike her down," the red themed teenager claims.

The green themed teen chimes in saying, "Yes, now go! everyone is helpless, it's your turn to shine. Faybelle has set a hex, so fairies except herself can not intervene. Only you, a human, can."

"Good luck," the ladies say in unison, dissapearing into fairy dust.

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