Chapter 4: Rosabella's Bad Breakup

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Briar raced after her cousin, Rosabella Beauty, daughter of the Beauty in the Beauty and the Beast. Briar had saw her sulking and walking slowly. Rosabella was wearing her Signature knee high leather boots with golden buckles and a frilly warm yellow skirt and a red top with a brown fur collar. She had put on a golden headband with red rose details that shone like jewels. She had her Signature lime green and rose belt on and her Signature glasses. As soon as Briar caught up to her she asked, "Hey, Rosabella what's up?"

Rosabella turned, "Oh it's nothing," she said sadly.

"You don't sound very happy though," answered Briar, she knew when something was wrong.

"Can we go somewhere private then?"

Briar invited, "Of course. Come on let's go."

The close cousins walked towards the Enchanted Forest. It was one on the most private places in the land of Ever After. This forest was enormous and beautiful. They sat down on one of the silver benches and Rosabella started to cry. Briar hugged her tight and didn't let go for a long time. "What happened?" she asked, she was getting really concerned.

"Daring...with...another...up," Rosabella said between sobs.

"Hey hey, slow down. Try to say that again," suggested Briar, "I couldn't hear you."

After three minutes, Rosabella calmed down and explained again, "Raven Queen enchanted an arrow that can spy on people for me and I caught Daring cheating. He was asking out with Magina Enchant, the enchantress that will turn him into a beast. Also, one of Faybelle's cheer hexers!" 

Magina Enchant was Faybelle's cousin. They shared different last names (Thorn, Enchant) because Magina decided to follow her mother's last name, Enchant instead of her dad's which is The Dark Fairy's (otherwise known as Desiree Thorn or Malifecient) younger brother. Magina came to Ever After High late in the first school year and was quickly known as the fairest person on the school grounds. She believed in capitalism and when wrong decisions were made or someone who had an evil heart, they should have been punished. Magina Enchant could turn into anyone's appearence and make anyone turn into anything. When she's scared Magina would change her peers into talking household objects or animals. Usually, changing them back after she calmed down.

Rosabella took out her Mirrorphone and showed Briar a video. It was a break and Magina was sitting on a wooden bench reading a book. Her straight sunny, blonde hair was let down and she wore a non-poofy, long sleeved sea green dress with an orange rhinestone belt with golden rose and star accents. The dress went to her ankles and she wore leather laced 1 inch high heels. Her pearly white bag shaped like a star was at her side and she wore a pearly white headband with golden accents, roses and stars. She also had a golden necklace with stars connecting to each other at each point and a golden ring with a green fairy.  Her perfectly beige glasses shown in the sunlight. On her back were two sparkly symetrical silver wings that glittered in the sunlight.

Next, Daring Charming wearing his signature outfit came along and asked Magina out. "No thank you," Magina answered without even looking up.

Daring sat down and kept complimenting and persuading the enchantress. "You're amazingly beautiful," Daring persuaded, "And magical."

Magina finally looked up and spoke, "And what about Rosabella Beauty, your girlfriend?"

Daring sighed, "I'll break up with her."

Daring started spewing out compliments, until Magina said, "Look, I don't get into drama. Now leave or else."

Daring backed down and the video was over. "Oh my godmother," gasped Briar, "I'm so sorry Rosabella. I should have helped you."

"It's not your fault," whimpered Rosabella, "At least Magina declined the offer. That's what's so great about her. As soon as Daring met up with me I broke up with him. I can't believe he still denied it even after I showed him the video!"

"WHAT?!" Briar cursed, "WHERE IS THAT NO GOOD (sensored)!"

Rosabella gaped and said, "Calm down, I'm over it. Thanks for being here too."

"Hey, I am here for you no matter what!" Briar said and hugged her cousin tight.

PING! went Briar's Mirrorphone. Itr was her mom and dad texting her.

Dad: Hey sweetie, come home soon.

Mom: We got a surprise for you! :)

Briar: Sure, coming home. Just gonna call the limo to pick me up.

Mom: Got it. How was it with Ashlynn?

Briar: Went really well, I'm with Rosabella right now. Can she come home with me?

Dad: Of course. As long as she wants to. See you soon, sweetie.

Mom: Bye (^_^)

When they reached Briar's home, King Phillip and Queen Aurora was smiling. Rosabella cleaned herself up in the limo. "Briar, we're throwing a graduation party/ball for you!" announced King Phillip.

"Wow!" Rosabella squealed, "Am I invited?"

"Why wouldn't you be?" smiled the queen, "Everyone from Ever After High will be!"

"Thank you so much!" squealed Briar, "What should I wear? Can Ginger Breadhouse make desserts! Oh my, I should tell everyone!"

Briar hugged her parents and soon her younger brothers came too. Briar was hextremely hexcited! A party and everyone was going to be there!

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