Chapter 7: Curses and Spells

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Faybelle's P.O.V.

I glared at Raven Queen with utmost hatred. Her mother, Evelina Queen, ruined my mother's destiny. Now, she is trying to ruin mine, well in case Raven was wondering I don't go down without a fight! I smirk, "Just try!"

There Raven was, wearing a purple ball gown and a black cape made of black feathers. A silver tiara  perfectly seated on her head of magenta and jet black hair.  She had on a silver locket with a raven in the front made of jewels. Raven's hands started glowing with purple flame. Mine started glowing with greenish, sky blue-ish flames. I can take her, I thought as I rummaged in my head for spells and curses. 

Raven blasted first, throwing a ball of purple flames at me. I dodge and swept the floor with the lime colored frame. Everyone freezes, everyone except for Raven who starts levitating. Just as I thought, she levitates. A blast of lightning strikes onto her sending her tiara flying.

The battle is taken to the air and items start floating around me. I use my magic and start throwing everything in my sight at Raven. A steel candle holder hits her arm and gets her off guard. I zoom up and blast her. "Ahhh," she groans in pain.

Out of nowhere she whirls around and a purple chain grabs at my right ankle. I scream in rage, "LET GO OF ME!"

Raven smiles, "With pleasure."

She swings the chain and I'm being dragged like a rag doll. A lightbulb sparks and I grab my hand and touch the chain. Lightning zaps from my hand to hers and she lets go. I do a backflip in the air (cheerhexing really paid off) and kick magic energy to her. She holds the energy with her hands and sends it back at me. I was mad, really mad and then lightning bolts zap Raven at all angles. Next, I start crumbling everything I see into a large ball and I throw it at her. Raven falls to the ground and I smile wickedly. I start flying down to see the damage I caused, but instead a hand reaches out and throws a purple chain around my body. I could feel the magical energy I have slowly being drained. It was a neat spell she learned: Power Draining Shackles. Everything I threw at her starts flying up and Raven emerges. "Not so fast," she says.

She didn't seem too happy about everything. I expected the worse, however she just unfreezes everyone and hands the chains to the head guard. Why wasn't she destroying me?! Why show me mercy?! I start thinking out loud, "Wait! Why?! Why let me go?!"

Raven turns and answers, "Because I'm not a villain. I'm not like you, like I said before I'm rewriting my destiny."

She turns back and starts walking away her black heels clicking on the marble floor.  She picks up her half burnt tiara and leaves. "not a villain" ,  how could Raven Queen not want to be a villain?! Before I could answer my own question I pass out.

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