Chapter 13: Happily Ever After...

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Hopper had been walking for a long time. He was losing hope. He felt like he hadn't slept for 20 hours and wanted food, rest and water. Even though, it felt like 20 hours it had actually been 96 years. Faybelle's time slowing spell had been growing stronger as she has too. Briar truly was sleeping for 100 years, just in a different way than her mother had. Fire blazed in front of Hopper and he jumped back. "Ahh!" he screamed in terror.

The fire disappeared and out came a plum purple dragonfly. "DRAKE!" Hopper screams, ecstatic to see his pet stay alive and well.

As Hopper runs to Drake, but the firefly backs away in fear of Hopper going frog form and eating him. "Hey! I'm fixed! No more frogs! I promise!" Hopper says, trying to keep up with the dragonfly.

Drake simply backs away more and even breathes a small puff of fire for protection. Hopper pouts, "Hmph, dragonflies these days."

More fire blazes in front of him and this time Hopper backs away. "Okay, okay, will you at least help me?" Hopper asks.

Drake flies up and down meaning he would help. The two continue walking toawrds Briar's home. When they are finally about 0.5 miles away from Briar's castle they find huge, pointy, gray briars of thorns surrounding the castle. "Uh oh!" Hopper whines, "What are we going to do?!"

Drake lands on top of Hopper's silver sword hilt. "Oh," Hopper said, dumbstruck, "Right, right a sword. Plus, you're a dragonfly, which means you can breathe fire! Come on, help me out!"

Drake burns through the briars with Hopper at his side swinging his sword and chopping through the spiky thorns. Hopper pants, this was harder than it looks when reading the fairy tales. Drake was also tired, now he was only breathing small, tiny puffs of fire. Finally, a path was cleared and they reached the outsideof Briar's home. From a distance, Hopper could see small soldiers fallen asleep at the castle gates.

BOOM!  Hopper shrieks for in front of him was Faybelle Thorn. Her expression showed that she was not happy at all. Faybelle smirks and another loud boom happens. This time in front of Hopper stands an elegant black and electric blue dragon with a fierce expression on her face. Did Faybelle just turn into a dragon?! Hopper thought/screamed to himself.

Dragon Faybelle opens her mouth and powder blue lightning blasts out. Luckily, Hopper dodges and Drake had already flown away. Dragon Faybelle charges with a large blasts of lightning coming from her mouth. Everywhere she steps she causes a path of destruction. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Hopper screams, he was terrified and wishes he could just go back to the past.

The terrified prince jumps under a large boulder when Dragon Faybelle's back was turned. The prince takes three deep breaths and takes looks at his shield and sword. He needs to pierce the dragon with the sword. The shield would be able to protect him with the deadly blasts. Hopper gets up and put the shield in front of him. He runs, sword ready to stab the dragon. Just like in Hero Training Class in high school. You can do this! Hopper tells himself. He closes his eyes. Sounds of Dragon Faybelle's lightning hitting  his shield could be heard. He could hear the sword piercing through the scales of the beast. He could hear roars of pain and one more boom.

The still terrified prince opens his eyes. Instead of an injured or dead dragon in front of him, he sees Faybelle. Lying on the ground, sword in her stomach with blood oozing out. A burnt useless shield next to the hurt fairy. Faybelle's black hairband with a spinning wheel charm on it is had broke and her platinum blonde hair covers her bruised face. "What happened?" she wheezes.

Hopper just walks away, he has a job to do and Faybelle would be taken care of later. He hurried through the castle, checking each and every room, hallway, staircase and tower. Finally the cured prince reaches the private kitchen and notices an open door. He heads down the staircase, just as Briar did and finds himself at a tower. He pushes open a door and sees Briar asleep on a  fancy bed. Hopper Croakington II knew what he had to do. The nervous prince slowly approches the beautiful princess and leans down. He gently kisses her and a bright light shines as soon as their lips touch.

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