Lost Boy (fluff)

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I am so so sorry, it's been way too long since I posted an actual chapter, sorry! Anyway, this is based off the song Lost Boy by Ruth B, originally I didn't want to post this chapter with my video because yes, that is my singing and my YouTube channel. I'm not trying to promote my channel and when describing the singing in this chapter, its supposed to be about YOU and not my singing, it might sound a bit egotistical if you read into it but know that isn't my intent, this is just something I was playing when I thought of this and really wanted it to be the ukulele... So yeah! I hope you enjoy the chapter! Xxx

Also please read the notice at the end of the chapter! I think you'll be interested!!!

Five pov

Sighing as I walked throughout the rougher part of the neighbourhood, I couldn't help but feel bored. Missions were the same, my brothers and sisters were the same. Everything was just... boring. I sighed again, I wanted something new, something interesting that didn't make me feel so freaking bored! I continued my walk, down some back alleyways and behind some of the bigger stores when I heard something. Something new.

It was beautiful, melodious and smooth, I couldn't help but walk closer, to try and see who was singing. There was the cheerful sound of a string instrument, maybe a guitar or something and then the sonorous sound of a girl singing. I walked closer to the source of the sound, that being an old abandoned warehouse, obviously someone inside it was singing, but who was singing or even inside such a decrepit building?

Answer is: I don't think I'll ever know. Me being the loud, enchanted dumbass that I am, got too close and kicked a stone. The girl in there startled, her voice and strumming cut itself off and she ran. I tried jumping round the corner to see who it was, but she had completely disappeared into the crowd. I sighed, almost stamping the floor in frustration.

(y/n) pov

I sighed in relief, managing to evade yet another angry shop owner, hiding behind the corrugated metal wall of a shitty warehouse that was nearby, somewhere I had been well acquainted with the last few weeks. Being homeless has its attributes, positive or negative, I don't have to listen to anybody, I do what I want, when I want.

The negative, it gets cold during the winter, it's hard work running from the people I steal from and the weight of guilt leaning on my shoulders at any given moment because I steal, is insufferable. I wish with all my heart that at some point in my life I am able to give back what I stole, I get that with food that I've already eaten that's difficult but I would do my best. I've had nightmares with vivid faces of shop owners and people I've pick pocketed, screaming at how I ruined their lives and businesses, even though I know that stealing an apple or two can't possibly have such a massive impact.

I sighed again, closing my eyes and feeling them glow (e/c) behind my eyelids, hearing the sound of a small, cloth covered object move from up in the rafters. Breathing yet another sigh, this time out of relief, I opened my still glowing eyes and grabbed the object that was floating down from above me, inside the parcel of cloth, was my ukulele and a picture within the strings of my parents and myself, the day I was born.

I still don't really know why I kept that photo, it made me sad whenever I looked at it, it was a reminder that they had left me, but at least it was someone, I guess I got lonely every now and then. I gave a strained smile at the photo, sitting with my back against the metal as I began strumming the instrument, tweaking the tuning pegs as I went. I always felt more relaxed and less anxious when I played, I don't really think it sounded that great, there were some twangy notes here and there but either way, the music rolls over me and I feel my muscles relax.

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