House of Secrets (pt 1)

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Depending on how you guys react to this story, there will definitely be a part two, let me know how you like it! And once again, I am so sorry I haven't been actively posting on this story, I have been working on many, many others, but I hope you enjoy the story either way. It is ridiculous that its been less than half a year since reaching 100k reads and already, we are close to double that! Thank you guys so so much! I really do love and appreciate all of you! Anyway, enjoy! xxx


Five pov

'I can't believe we are actually doing this,' I thought to myself, looking at the door in front of us. The seven of us were gathered in a semi-circle around the mysterious door. I was worried about what we would find on the other side of it. I'm trying to figure out how we got to this moment.


Standing in front of the recently saved building, the crowds were cheering for the Umbrella Academy, which felt great. What didn't feel great, was the reporters shoving cameras and microphones in our faces. 

"What happened in there?" 

"How did you pull off such a dangerous act?"

"Can you address the rumours around the entity living in your Academy?"

Ah yes, that final comment, one we had all heard from ninety percent of reporters who speak to us, or shout at us as the case may be. We had already dismissed these rumours, multiple times. Apparently, someone had looked up at one of the windows of the Academy and saw a person, sat in the window and singing. The mysterious person was female, according to the rumours, but did not look like Allison, who was the only female in the Academy that the public knew of. We all just assumed they were talking about Vanya.

Then there was another point from the rumours that caught my attention, the mystery girl, was in the one of the windows of the top floor of the building, the floor we were told was prohibited to be on, the floor with one door we were not allowed to enter. "Mr Hargreeves, can you please comment on the mystery figure seen in the window of building?" Our father merely looked at the reporter, sharply clapping his hand onto my shoulder and motioning us along. "I'm afraid the children must get back to their studies, that will be all." 

As the rest of us walked home, still being hounded by reporters, fans and cynics alike, I got the chance to think about the rumours and why dad refused to acknowledge them. As if, there was something behind them, something true about them. "Dad, it looks like you're avoiding those rumours, like you know something?" I told him, looking behind us to the raring reporters. 

He completely ignored me, continued walking like he didn't here anything. What an asshole! Anyway, we all got back to the Academy, immediately shoved into a training session. "You guys," Allison whispered, creeping closer to us during exercises, "Should we..." I wound up finishing that sentence, "Go to the top floor of the building and snoop around?" I said, causing all of them to nod, a smirk growing on my face. The game is afoot. 

Running to the top floor after two hours of intense training was kind of painful, I was so tired, I didn't even jump to the top of the stairs. The top floor was almost completely desolate, with only one door, the entire floor was one room and we were pretty certain there was something in that room. Walking over to the door, I turned the handle, shaking it when it didn't budge, "Locked." I muttered, "I didn't know the old man locked any of the doors in the Academy." I told my siblings, all of whom were shaking their heads in disappointment at the locked door.

"Wait a second," Vanya murmured, "Guys!" She yelled when she realised nobody was listening, "I think I know where to get the key," She began, "Dad keeps a single key around his neck, I might be able to grab it when you guys are training tomorrow." She conspired, her voice getting more quiet getting to the end of the sentence. Vanya was never confident when it came to talking to the family, not that they listened to her in the first place.

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