Interrupted (slightly mature)

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Hey guys, this is mostly supposed to be funny but making out will definitely be a part of this story. This WHOLE story is going to be in Five's pov. Enjoy xxx


Five's pov

God this puberty thing is such a pain in the ass. I've gone through it before, I thought it would get easier but no. If anything it was even more annoying. At least in the apocalypse I had stuff to take my mind off of it.

Me and (y/n) had been dating for a few months now and I really cared about her. Maybe even loved her? I don't know. All I know is that when I'm around her, my hormones go insane!

I just want to hold her in my arms, keeping her far away from the danger the outside world holds. I had never really had time to think about relationships before, I was always busy trying to survive or stopping the apocalypse.

Of course, now I have more time to think about this stuff. I was avoiding (y/n) more and more to try and keep my stupid teenage testosterone at a minimum. I didn't want to scare her away.

(y/n) was always there for me, even before she was my girlfriend. She would sing lullabies to me to help me sleep after nightmares of the apocalypse. We would sit and read separately and together in my room or in her room.

Even though she didn't have any powers like me or my siblings, my brothers and sisters would always tease me, saying that her power was controlling me.

I never understood my siblings, especially their infatuation with my girlfriend. They would always be with her, or around her. I love my (y/n), but that's exactly what she was, my (y/n).

You could say I was a little jealous, who wouldn't be. (y/n) was beautiful, smart, compassionate and all in all, perfect. The fact that my siblings are spending more time with her didn't really bug me. It's when they interrupt us, that's the real issue.

Anyway, I was in the middle of my horrible teen hormone phase and I had to ignore the best person in my life. I didn't want her to leave me but I also wanted to see her. All. The. Time.

God I felt my chest tighten and my cheeks grow warm and probably red. (y/n) was my weakness, my kryptonite, if you will. I was doing nothing, just sat in my room reading a book, when the door burst open.

(y/n) looked pretty pissed when she entered my room. I wasn't scared but I wasn't amused like I usually would be towards someone being mad at me. I understand why she was upset, I had been ignoring her for almost a week now.

I don't know how I was going to explain to her that I was ignoring her to stop myself shoving her against a wall and sticking my tongue in her mouth.

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating. Nevermind no I'm not.

God when she came into my room I just wanted to grab hold of her and never let go. The first thing that hit me was her smell for some reason. Something I was too busy to realise before hand. She smelled impossibly good. Like chocolate and coffee. The latter was probably because of me.

God dammit hormones. She looked at me angry and confused. "Okay, you need to tell me right now, no lying, why are you ignoring me?" By the end of the statement she just looked so crestfallen, I felt awful.

I never wanted to make her so upset I just didn't want to scare her off. She continued, "Is it something I did. Did I do something wrong?" God I felt like such a jackass. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes were filling with tears, I couldn't help myself.

Walking over wasn't quick enough, I spacial jumped over to my baby and pulled her close so that her head was leaning against my chest. "Baby girl I'm so sorry. Of course you didn't do anything wrong, it's just -  I'm going through a - personal issue." I said, trying not to let the tears fall from her eyes.

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