Burn The Witch (slight angst)

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This story will be set in the middle ages or the medieval era. Witches are very prominent and usually, even the innocent were executed. Reader has magic abilities and for that, she must face the concequence. Enjoy xxx


(y/n) pov

I knew I wasn't safe. There was no way I possibly could be. Not in this kingdom. The king, whilst a wise man, was also incredibly sensitive when it came to magic or powers, he wouldn't let anyone kill them, instead, they became royalty or were enlisted as a battle mage.

I've had magic since I was around two years old, I made my mother's hair change colour to a dark silver. I was able able to change it back but mother couldn't leave the house until I had, in fear I would be taken away.

I was fairly well known throughout the kingdom's working class, I would help out wherever I could because I need money. Mother passed away when I was a small child.


"Mother, I'm home!" I shouted from the front door. I looked around the small house me and mother lived in. It was too small for more than one person but we didn't have a choice. Father passed before I was born in the middle of an attack from the nearest country.

The house was more like a hut, a few bits of wooden furniture were scattered around the house, not in their usual place. The cupboards had been ransacked. I started to feel my heart rate increase and I ran to mother's room and shoved the door open.

My heart leaped into my throat, my eyes began to water, I fell to my knees and screamed as loudly as I could. My mother was sprawled on the floor, her throat slit and her hair cut and stolen, as well as her valuables stolen.

The local gateway guards came running at my scream. One of the men ran to me, asking me questions, but I couldn't hear him. My ears were ringing too loudly to pay attention, I soon fainted.


Once I had awoken, I swiftly sat up and looked to where my mother's body was lying, only to find a small puddle of blood and her gone. I jolted to my feet and rushed to my mother's secret.

Mother's secret was her jewellery box. I hit a board on the wall, next to a framed painting of me as a baby, the board fell to the ground, revealing an empty hole. The jewellery box was unassuming and plain, with very little inside it, yet every part was precious to me.

Inside the box was a celtic weaved bracelet which belonged to my father, he wore it when he went into battle, no armor, no weapon, a battle mage. My father was an incredible mage, he could conjure runes with the flick of his hand, he taught me everything I know. His familiar was still with us, Ferris, a black cat, a classic magic familiar.

The next item was a silver chain necklace with a moonstone crystal dancing in the light of a candle, the guards must have left it. I quickly put on the necklace and bracelet. I knew I would never take them off, not while I am alive.

I ruffled through the rest of the box, I was sure that these were the only items I could keep with me at all times, however there were also small paintings of my father and mother, on their wedding day, so happy. Now both of them were gone.

As I was rifling through the pictures and love notes exchanged between my loving parents. I heard a clinking noise. I picked up the paper and canvases, looking into the jewellery box. I felt my eyes began to tear up once more. My parents' wedding rings were at the bottom of the box.

As much as my mother loved my father, after he died, she couldn't handle looking at it, let alone wearing it. That was when she told me about the box, saying that everything in it would eventually be mine, I didn't realise it would happen so soon.

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