Birthday Surprise (fluff)

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I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter and once again I AM accepting requests for stories. Message me or comment on one of my previous chapters to know more. Enjoy xxx


(y/n) pov

"Five?" I called into the academy as I opened the door, "Where are you?" I asked. He'd never hid from me before. Had I done something wrong? Was he ignoring me?

It kind of hurt that he wasn't responding. I knew he wasn't anywhere else, I'd already checked at Griddy's and he wasn't there. I sighed in exasperation, "Five!" I yelled once more.

There was a sudden flash of purple-blue light right next to me, I jumped. "Love you," Five whispered before disappearing again. I was taken aback. What the hell just happened?

I continued walking further into the academy. I saw Luther and Allison watching a movie together on the couch. "Hey guys, do you know what's going on with Five?" I asked, I was so confused.

"No, actually he's been holed up in his room saying he was 'planning something'," Allison responded, I had no clue what she was talking about. He'd never said anything about 'planning'.

I'd been with Five for over a year now. We'd already celebrated our one year anniversary so that wasn't it. I couldn't think of anything that he could be planning for that he wouldn't have told me about.

All of a sudden the house went incredibly cold. I started shivering, dammit, I should've brought a hoodie with me. There was another flash of purple-blue light and something wrapped around my shoulders.

It was Five's blazer. I love his blazer and his siblings were often very surprised that Five just let me wear it all the time. Five wrapped his blazer around my shoulders and his arms around my waist.

"Sorry for the cold love, the heating's broken," Five whispered before kissing my cheek and disappearing again.

"For God's sake Five, stop doing that!" I yelled, knowing full well that he can hear me.

Five's pov

I chuckled after she yelled out. I know for a fact that I was beginning to piss her off. I love her so much but it baffles me how she doesn't remember her own birthday. Her parents don't celebrate birthdays because of their work. I guess that's why.

I had everything planned out. God I hope she liked it. I then heard a knock at my bedroom door.

(y/n) pov

I walked up the stairs and moved towards Five's room. I heard rattling around and things falling over. I was kind of just hoping that I didn't catch Five in an embarrassing predicament.

I knocked at the door with hesitance. There was even more rattling and I heard something crash to the floor before I heard a muffled voice saying, "Shit!"

"Five? Are you okay?" I asked frantically. Another flash of purple-blue light next to me before I was tossed over someone's shoulder.

"Five!" I gasped, having the air knocked out of me, "What the hell!?" He just chuckled saying that I couldn't see what was in his room as it was a surprise.

I think what made it both weirder yet better was that Five made a show of lowering me to the floor before giving me a long, passionate kiss before flashing away again.

I stood there in shock, what just happened? I shook myself out of it and waddled down the stairs in a puzzled mood. I guess I can't go in there yet?

I went to the kitchen to find food because I was freaking starving. Klaus was in the kitchen as well as Mom.

"My favourite girlfriend of my brother's" He yelled, a big smile on his face. He ran from where he was sat, which was on the table, and gave me a big hug, picking me up in the process.

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