Pride and Joy part 2 (fluff)

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I also wanted to name this, Butler for a Day!
Hey guys, this is a part two to my most popular chapter. I'm going to try updating a little earlier, at the moment I'm finishing chapters at two a.m which isn't great for school the next day. Also I'm accepting requests still, message me if you want a chapter written. Anyway, enjoy you guys xxxxx


(y/n) pov

Father and I were in the training room, he was still trying to discover the extent of my abilities. All we knew was that I could control each element and their counterparts.

Earth, including causing plants to grow and die, moving the ground into whatever shape I wanted, I could defend myself using concrete and could manipulate vines to my advantage.

Water, including ice and other liquids, forming ice at my feet as well as causing floods and tsunamis, I could create forcefields using water or ice.

Air, I could push my enemies off their feet and miles away from myself and my siblings, I could hold tornadoes and cyclones in my hands and send them towards whoever I wanted.

Fire, my most dangerous ability. I rarely used it in large doses, I could cause massive bonfires and blazing infernos. I was petrified of using my flames. I didn't want to hurt anybody.

Anyway, father decided that he wanted to observe the extent of my powers. Of course, he wanted to do this when Five wasn't here. Five didn't like when father tested my powers because it would usually wind up badly.

Father placed eight glasses in front of me, each representing me and my siblings. The glasses reverberated against each other as the water swirled around.

"Number Eight, I want you to focus on your emotions this time. Think of calm and serene moments when channelling water." He stated, I knew that he cared about us all in his own way but he never showed it in case of it showing weakness.

I thought of all the calm and happy moments I could think of. All of which contained Five. I thought of our first date, when we sat under the tree in the courtyard holding hands, my head leaning on his shoulder. I steadied my breathing to the same speed I had in that moment.

I felt the water from the glasses swirl faster before flowing out of the glasses and gently splashing around me. I opened my eyes and lifted my arms up, the water following me before wrapping me in a cool embrace.

I held it until father's nod, I released the water from my power and it crashed to the floor, the familiar tug of the power in my stomach relaxing. Father seemed happy with my progress.

The same feelings passed when summoning earth and air, however I had to channel different emotions. I had to channel grounded and steady emotions for earth, the memory of being held by Five was easiest to channel, I felt safe and securely tied to the ground. He was my anchor.

For air, I had to channel hectic yet ccool moments. I channelled the rush that I felt when on missions with Five, feeling the breeze that was created as Five jumped to and fro, distracting the gunmen. I smiled at that.

Finally, the dreaded element. Fire. Ferocious and can't be contained, it wasn't meant to be. If nature couldn't control it, who said I could?

Father told me to get rid of those anxious feelings, my eyes turning a bright purple, showing my nerves. "Number Eight, I want you to channel anger. Any angry memories you have, you need to picture them clearly in your mind." Father said firmly.

I pictured the angriest moment I had ever had, I was walking to meet Five at Griddy's only to see a group of boys out age crowding him. I watched Five receive a series of punches, the stomach, the eye, the chest and the jaw.

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