Pride and Joy pt 3 (slight angst)

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Guys I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long, after my birthday my brain went to a bit of a dark place but its all better now and I really hope you like this one. You guys seem to like my mature peices, I wonder why?  Mostly making out. Enjoy xxx


(y/n) pov

The Umbrella Academy was a difficult place to live in. Nobody seemed to understand that. There was rarely any free time and that did make life a bit more tiring. Dad was always looking for new ways to gain publicity and that usually wound up with me as an entertainer.

Dad was pulling me out of more and more missions in order to gain publicity. Me being the 'pride and joy' of the academy, I would have to go to talk shows and promotional events with him. Sometimes it would be all of us in some big party or ball being thrown in our honour, but the smaller public stunts were on me. 

I knew Five would be getting frantic by now. I felt awful, I wasn't spending as much time with my boyfriend as I used to, especially with the amount of missions he was working on without me. The highlight of my days were coming home with him and talking about what we'd achieved during the mission in our free time.

Of course, now I had no missions and, thanks to dad, no more free time. I was completely drained of energy and all I wanted to do when I got home was sleep. This was my life for a good month and a half and it was putting a burden on me. Five could see that.


I had no idea what time it was when I woke up to a screaming match down the hall. The argument sounded fairly one-sided as there was yelling from one person as the other was perfectly calm. I could tell the shouting was from Five, this was a side of him I had been hearing a lot recently. I couldn't help but think that this was my fault.

I swung my feet over the side of my bed, my feet hitting the cold laminated floor with a dull thud. In my official UA pyjamas, I made my way down the freezing cold corridor, stopping outside dad's office.

"You've taken her away from all of us, not just me," Five cried, "We are getting our asses handed to us in most of our missions because you've taken away a crucial part of our team!" I hadn't even realised that. Come to think of it, all my siblings seemed sort of mad at me.


Dad and I had just return from another stupid promotion event. He'd forced me to show off my abilities and everyone stared at me as if I were a freak, a few kids also felt the need to call me as such.

I felt drained and upset. Did people really see me as a freak? See us as freaks? I knew that some people were not very fond of the academy, police included, but we were just doing what we were told. Our father refused to let anybody else have the spotlight, the police, bounty hunters, nobody.

 I threw myself onto the couch in front of the fire place and waved my hand in front of it. Flames blazoned into life and the room became warmer. The others must have heard the door close and all came rushing down the stairs to greet dad. Of course, Five came over immediately once he saw me. 

I was slumped over on the sofa, cradling my throbbing head in my hands. I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and I realised who it was from the scent. Coffee and book pages. Five.

I turned slightly, burying my face in the crook of his neck, tears on my cheeks from the intense pain I was in. "What did you make her do?" He asked, his voice was so malicious, even I flinched. "You promised you wouldn't push her anymore!" Five was spitting poison at dad whilst our siblings glared at us.

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