Apocalypse Birthday (fluff)

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Oh my god, I had just over 100 views last night and I checked it this morning to have 200! That's insane and I love you guys! Enjoy the story! Xxxx
Sorry if this song is sad!

(y/n) pov

It was October first, I'm not sure what year it was but what I did know was that it was Five's fifteenth birthday. As well as his siblings' of course, but I wanted today to just be about Five.

He'd had to share his birthday with six different people, I had never had to share my birthday with anybody before, let alone six children, all with extraordinary abilities.

I had powers as well, I could create energy pulses to protect myself, explaining how I had survived the apocalypse. I could only do that in extreme circumstances. My main power was the ability to control plants and other organic matter, such as animals, sometimes even humans. If somebody made me angry enough.

This was the only power I had that I could control at will. I had not been born the same day as Five and his siblings. My mother was injected with a serum when I was only a few months developed. Sadly, she died due to the serum also giving her a deadly disease that nobody knew of and, therefore, couldn't cure.

Since I'd never met my parents, I had no issue moving myself around. I lived in a tree for most of my childhood. I had pets and animals to help me.

I was all alone until I met Five. I heard him from a few yards away. He was screaming for someone, his family, his friends?


(y/n) pov

I was sat in my tree, a massive Camper Tree (a/n reference?) I had practically hidden myself in the leaves of the tree I had grown. I was miles above the rest of the world. Of course there wasn't much left of it.

Everything around me was in flames and the buildings were reduced to bricks and ash. I remembered this town as an unpleasant place, I wasn't necessarily upset to see it destroyed.

I was sat in my tree, softly singing to myself.

A man came across this old tower one day
It was straight like from a book he once read
He lifted his head up and saw this young lady
And here's what the lady said

"Moi je m'appelle mademoiselle Noir
Et comme vous pouvez le voir
Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis
Et c'est tout ce qu'elle a dit"

The man was so scared, he could only run away
He ran to the town and then said
"I just saw a lady with the longest dark hair
And I think she's a living dead!"

The people, so scared, took their guns and their swords
They ran to the tower and then
They saw the pale lady and felt a great fear
When they heard how she said it again

"Moi je m'appelle mademoiselle Noir
Et comme vous pouvez le voir
Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis
Et c'est tout ce qu'elle a dit"

The people, they knew what this all was about
She was clearly a demon from hell
They decided to set her long hair on fire
In the end it would burn her as well

But the lady was no demon, she was a lonely soul
Just like in that book they once read
Still waiting for her prince while her hair was on fire
The one last time she said

"Moi je m'appelle mademoiselle Noir
Et comme vous pouvez le voir
Je ne souris, ni ris, ni vis
Et c'est tout ce qu'elle a dit"

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