Barista (fluff, some angst)

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Holy crap guys, I just got over 500 reads, that's insane! Thank you guys so much!!! I love you guys and this is the newest chapter of my book. Enjoy xxx


(y/n) pov

"(y/n)!" I was awoken by a small child jumping onto my stomach. I gasped and sat up quickly, I saw my little brother, Damien. I sighed and lifted myself onto my elbows.

"Damien, honey, what is it?" I whispered. Damien giggled and lowered his face to mine and gave me a kiss on the nose, causing me to giggle as well.

He whispered back, "I'm hungry mummy," I sighed and looked down in reply. His actual mum was in her room, passed out after working.

There was nothing wrong with my mother, she wasn't an alcaholic or a drug abuser, she was an amazing woman, or at least I think she was. We never saw her after dad died. She had to work, so did I.

"Honey, we've been through this, mummy is in her room, I'm not mummy. I'm your big sister and I love you so much but its three in the morning and I have work in a few hours." I explained for at least the third time this week. I could not keep feeding Damien so early.

He looked down and suddenly looked very tired. I sighed and hugged him close to me, I picked him up and held his head to my chest. I stood slowly, I heard his breath slow down and, knowing he was asleep, I walked from my room to his and Hallie's room (a/n if this is your name feel free to change your sister's name).

I gently laid him down beside Hallie before turning and walking back to my room. I laid back down and thought about my family. I had three siblings, my mum and my dad.

Damien was the eldest of my siblings, he was six, he had the softest tufts of light brown hair and the the most beautiful emerald-green eyes. He was so happy all the time. There was never a time that Damien didn't have a smile on his face. If he was frowning he was definitely ill. I knew all of my siblings, probably more than our mother knew us.

Hallie was the next, she was three and was an absolute sweetie pie, hence my nickname for her, sweetie pie. She had electric blue eyes and adorable, feiry red hair. She definitely had the most personality. She was the sassiest of the bunch. Mum couldn't get her to do anything. Of course, I could, I remember the hurt look on my mother's face when I was able to send her to bed on time.

Finally there was Calliope. Calliope was the youngest of all of us. At only eight months old, she was the only one who could get her way every time. She couldn't even talk, but I just couldn't say no to that face. Her hair was beginning to grow in dark brunette tufts and her eyes were a chocolate brown.

I always felt so guilty having to leave the three of them every day but we needed the money. Our father died on the day Calliope was born eight months ago. He was hit by a truck on the way to the hospital. I was sat in the waiting room outside only to hear mum's phone ring, it was a call from the hospital.

My mother was listed as dad's emergency number. They asked where my mother was and I answered honestly, telling the receptionist I was his eldest daughter and I had just turned fifteen. They told me the room his was in and I grabbed Damien and Hallie and dragged them to the elevator.

I still have nightmares about how I saw my dad. I left my siblings in the hallway, I didn't want them to see dad like this and I knew he didn't want me or them to either. He had so many broken bones and there was so much blood. I was only in there for a few minutes and yet I heard the horrifying noise of the high pitched beep of my father passing. The soundtrack of my nightmares.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and  tried to sleep for another few hours. Before I heard my alarm go off, signifying the six in the morning mark. I got up, quickly got in the shower and got changed into my uniform.

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