I'll Never Leave You (fluff)

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I was not expecting people to read this so much, thank you! This is set in chapter four when Five gets drunk but instead of Dolores, he has you. Love you Dolores. I was also thinking about a confession chapter. Let me know if you like that idea, enjoy xxx.


Luther pov

Carrying someone who is twenty-eight years older than me is kind of weird. I wasn't struggling obviously, as annoying as Five was, at least he wasn't heavy. When we'd found Five, he was in the local library, he'd written equations all over the walls and an empty bottle of Scotch in his hand. He had books surrounding him and was sat up, asleep, propped up against the walls. He was muttering a name, '(y/n)'.

As far as I know, this '(y/n)' was somebody he'd met after he had disappeared. I sighed and Diego looked rather amused. We definitely weren't expecting Five, a fifty-eight year old man, looking like a thirteen year old boy, to be practically passed out with an empty bottle of alcohol in his hand.

I picked him up, surprised at how little he weighed, I carried him like a child, he wrapped one arm around my neck, showing he was awake enough.

Now Diego and I, carrying Five, were outside after practically running from the library after Five nearly had people call child services. It was wet from rain and already pitch black outside.

"Well we can't go back to the house, it's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment." I stated with finality. I couldn't let my family get hurt. I'd already failed once, I won't let it happen again.

"My place is closer, no one will look for him there," Diego replied, recalling the back room of the boxing gym he lived in. It was cosy but not the safest of places to be, of course, Diego didn't really need any body's help, and definitely wouldn't admit it if he did.

Five was now mostly conscious, he let out a burp and a groan. "If you vomit on me," I threatened. He smiled and sighed as though thinking fondly of something.

"You know what's funny?" He started, letting out a gasping laugh, "I'm going through puberty," He announced befroe scoffing, "Again." I could see how annoying that would be.

He chuckled before continuing, "I drank that whole bottle didn't I?" Five looked ahead of him, I was about to answer when he continued, "That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Just poof, it's gone." Anyone could tell he was either drunk or medicated due to the massive slur in his voice.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked, clearly not listening to the conversation. I sighed. Diego decided to explain.

"Two masked intruders attacked the academy last night. They came here looking for you," He stated with a serious tone. He may act like a hard ass but I knew that when someone hurt that family, Diego would always be there to kick someone's ass.

I mean as long as it isn't mine.

Diego continued, "So I need you to focus. What do they want." We needed to know who these weirdos were and why they were after Five.

Five sighed once again, "Hazel and Cha-Cha," He almost whispered.

"Who?" Diego asked harshly. I could tell Five was starting to get on his nerves, he wasn't the only one.

"You know I hate code names," I responded, this was seriously starting to piss me off.

"Ah, the best of the best, except for me of course," Well that was hardly an explanation. That's when he started going off topic again.

"You know, (y/n) always used to hate it when I drink," Five muttered, that name again, "She said it made me surly-"

"Hey!" Diego shouted, crap, now he was at his wit's end. "Hm? Yeah?" Five was seriously out of it. This was a very different side of him.

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