Chapter 7

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 Mal, Jay, and Evie rushed to Ben's office as soon as they had gotten a call from him. Mal threw open the door, and there stood Ben with Jane by his side. Both of them were looking extremely pale. 

"What happened?" asked Mal, a little out of breath.

Ben wasted no time and said, "Maleficent's scepter and the crown of the King of Auradon were stolen last night."

Out of the corner of her eye, Mal saw Evie take a step forward.

"But how?" asked Evie.

Ben replied with, "No one knows. The only sign of struggle was the glass case was broken, and a metal rod was found. We checked the rod for fingerprints, but I guess the thief was wearing gloves."

"So what do we do?" inquired Jay.

It was Jane who answered, "We should try to find the thief, and keep this secret. If word got out, it could cause a panic."

Everyone agreed. Suddenly, a loud crash was heard, and Dizzy and Celia came tumbling in."

"We heard everything and we won't tell anyone but can we help," they both said.

Mal smiled and nodded.

"Wait, have you seen Carlos?" asked Celia suddenly.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since yesterday," answered Evie.

"I don't think we should tell him," Jay piped.

Again, everyone agreed. 

Mal, Evie, Jay, Dizzy, and Celia went back to Mal and Evie's dorm room to come up with a plan.

"Hey today's Audrey's birthday," Mal realized.

"We should go to her party first," suggested Dizzy.

Evie squealed and rushed to her closet to pull out a sapphire blue dress.

"I'm going to wear this!" she exclaimed.

Everyone else just rolled their eyes, and sighed.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audrey was just about to cut the cake, when a male voice started singing.

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday dear Audrey

Happy Birthday to you

Red smoke appeared, and people began to fall asleep. She signaled to Chad to cover his ears, which he thankfully did. When the smoke cleared, she let out a gasp. There stood Carlos De Vil holding Maleficent's scepter, and wearing the crown with an evil smirk playing on his lips.

"C-Carlos what are you doing?" she stuttered, in fear of the scepter.

"Oh nothing, just crashing the party. I wasn't invited. Guess they lost my invitation. Anyway, Happy Birthday. Did you like my little gift? It's the same curse Maleficent used on your mother's kingdom. " he asked, with a grin twisted with malice and wickedness.

Just as he was about to slam the scepter on the ground, Chad rushed forward, and dropped to his knees. Carlos's face twisted into an amused, inquiring look as Audrey stared at him in shock.

"Please don't send me to sleep," he pleaded.

"Oh, and why not?" Carlos asked in amusement.

It was then when Audrey realized (she screwed up, jk) how much he was like his mother.

"Because you might need a sidekick," he said.

Carlos looked as if he was considering something. After about a few seconds, which seemed like eternity to Audrey, he spoke. By now, Audrey had moved to Enchanted Lake.

"How about-?" he spoke.

Audrey held her breath and got ready to jump.

"No," he stated as he slammed the scepter down, and Audrey jumped. She dunked herself underwater, as Carlos's sleeping curse spread all over Auradon, where people began to sleep. It fell just sort of Auradon Prep. Carlos chuckled and disappeared is puff of red smoke. Audrey resurfaced.

"I have to warn Mal," she said to no one in particular, and rushed off.

-Hey guys, sorry for not updating. If you read the last chapter, you'll know why. Anyways, I got a new laptop. It's a silver HP PC. For the next chapter, I might do a little QnA.

-Bookwormthe3rd, out

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