Chapter 8

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Evie had finally gotten ready, when Audrey burst in. Her hair was puffed up, she was soaking wet, and panting. 

"Oh my god! What happened?" asked Dizzy.

"I know who stole Maleficent's scepter," panted Audrey.

"Who?" asked Mal.

"It's-" Audrey started, but before she could finish her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out.

Celia gasped and rushed to catch her before she hit the ground. Mal used her magic to levitate Audrey to the bed and said, "Don't worry, she just sleeping."

Evie sighed in relief.

"Uhhh, guys?"

Mal and Evie looked to where Dizzy and Celia were pointing to the hallway. They saw everyone had just fallen asleep. Ben, Jay, and Jane rushed in. 

"Everyone is the kingdom's fallen asleep," said Jane.

"We know," stated Dizzy. "But who would do this?"

"Peekaboo," said a voice from behind.

All 7 of them spun around to see Carlos and the Dragon's Eye.

"C, what are you doing?" asked Jay cautiously.

"Oh now you decide to talk to me? After 10 months?" his voice slightly rose in anger, and Evie flinched.

"Carlos, are you spelled? Just tell me who did this and-?" started Jane, but Carlos cut her off.

"You'll what? Marry them?" he asked, bitterly. "No, I'm doing this of my own free will. No one's spelled me. They're all to busy napping."

"Why are you doing this? What do you want?" demanded Celia.

"What I want doesn't matter anymore. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something very important I need to do."

Suddenly, Ben and Mal rushed forward, but Carlos slammed the scepter down and the two of them were enveloped in red smoke. When the smoke cleared, Ben had transformed into a beast, and Mal had turned into an old hag.

"See ya suckers," With that Carlos disappeared.

It was silent for what seemed like eternity, and then Evie croaked out, "What have we done?", and broke down, sobbing.

-Sorry this is short. Like I previously stated, I was thinking of discontinuing this but thanks to 

@Almayasa201 , I found it in me to continue. However, updates will be slowish. Thank you

-Bookwormthe3rd, out

339 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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