//h a l f n o t e//

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s e q u e l

yes, there will be a sequel to brown haired boy.

there are a lot of things that georgia and miles still haven't discovered about each other and to be honest, i've thought a lot about it.

i think that i could take these characters completely different places and still want to write about them so there will be a sequel.

and you guys will be apart of it.

c o n t e s t

i need a title and this'll be a challenge for you guys.
the person who gives the best title will be:

thanked in the book
shouted out
and i will read any two of your works and give feedback.

how to participate:
comment your title, your name, and what you hope to see happen later on.
i will be picking the winner Feb. 14, 2015, good luck babes
>idea: i want this story to be based more on miles' past.
>hopefully this isn't a bust.


thank you for being such amazing readers and i hope you're as excited for the sequel as me.

-tyler x

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